In honor of the saints who we glorify this All Saints Day, Saints Around the World, written by Meg Hunter-Kilmer and illustrated by Lindsey Sanders, is a beautiful blend of saints, known worldwide, and stories of whom I hadn’t heard of. These gripping tales of martyrs, kings and queens, laymen and laywomen, warriors, and the religious, show both their virtues and their flaws, which they used to get even closer to Christ. This book helps children understand that not a single saint was born a saint and it keeps them from saying, “There’s no way I can be like him!” but inspires them to say, “this person was so much like me! I’m going to be just like him when I’m older.”

The text and illustrations work hand in hand to give this effect. The text is written so that it can be understood by little ears and is enjoyed by all ages. It normally begins with the saint’s personal character or physical difficulties so that every child finds a saint who they can relate to. The beautiful illustrations depict the saint surrounded by hidden symbolisms; from the colors of the scenery to the way the saint’s hair’s done! The four different indexes in the back (geographical, feast day, topical, and chronological) help the reader find someone to fit every description.
This is a great read for children of all ages, all discerning different vocations, and from all walks of life, especially during this time we spend glorifying the saints in heaven who have gone before us into the celestial realms of heaven!
All ye Holy Angels and Saints, Pray for Us!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
Y'all always do such a great job Jessica in keeping the faith alive for your children and for those who read your blog. God Bless y'all! I wish I could enter for the Saint's book but I don't have Instagram.
Just a little extra for you, the NFL football team the New Orleans Saints became an official team on November 1st—All Saints day in 1966. It is said that they had to get permission from the Vatican to name the team the Saints. Also Louisiana is the ONLY state in the country with Parishes instead of counties because they were named after many of the Church Parishes.
Thank you, Joy! I will be sure to include any comments left here on the blog in the Instagram giveaway as well, including this one for you! 🙂
That is really interesting about the New Orleans Saints football team and Louisiana Parishes. I had never heard that!
Out of respect for the large Catholic community in New Orleans, the team’s management consulted then-Archbishop Philip Hannan of the Archdiocese of New Orleans to make sure the name would not seem offensive or sacrilegious. The archbishop saw no problem with it;
THANK YOU so much Jessica. I greatly appreciate it.
Hi Jessica! Your posts make my day. I have a quick question I need to ask. Where do you usually get your girls skirts/dresses? I just ADORE seeing how they are always dressed sooo modestly. Hoping to find some good ones for my daughters. Your family is all just so cute!
Thank you! The last few years I've been getting a lot of the little girls dresses from Hanna Andersson. I also have a lot of Gymboree hand-me-downs from their older sisters. For the older girls I shop Old Navy, Gap, JessaKae, Inherit, and a few other places online including Amazon. Hope that helps!