Our family loves board games! I’m always looking for games to add to our collection that are both fun and educational. I’m really excited about this remarkable new game called The Purgative Way! It will be a trustworthy resource for supplementing our children’s religious instruction at home. The traditional artwork on the play cards also contributes to their appreciation of their Catholic heritage.
Update: Caution! Please see the comment section for some concerns on explicit Moral Dilemma cards for those “14+”. These shouldn’t be included in a family game…

Play with questions from the St. Joseph’s Catechism, the Baltimore Catechism, or the Summa Theologica!
Draw closer to the Saints each time you draw a card!
Learn foundational Catholic prayers in both English and Latin with 30 beautiful prayers cards!
We must not only know the Catholic Faith, but we must also know how to apply the truths of the Faith to our moral acts!

A basic truth we, as Catholics, should know is that God made us to know, love, and serve Him in this life so as to be happy with Him forever in the next. But, as St. Paul states, “Faith comes by hearing” and we rely upon our family and Holy Mother Church to tell us the Good News of our salvation in Jesus Christ. The Purgative Way builds upon the grace we receive in Baptism, to grow us and our children into faithful sons and daughters of God!
Recommended for beginners to play in teams for a fast, fun game! More advanced players can increase the challenge by climbing the mountain only through their own knowledge of the Faith!
Through the use of different catechism decks for different ages, every player can be challenged with age appropriate questions, making for a fun, challenging way to grow deeper in the Catholic Faith whether you are 9 or 90!
The Purgative Way is a great compliment to anyone seeking to reinforce their knowledge of the Catechism and to better know the truths of God. Play it to prepare for 1st Communion, Confirmation, or as you’re studying for Seminary!
You can find an instructional video over on their website.

We had one of our parish priests over a couple weekends ago and pulled out The Purgative Way to play together after dinner. It was our first time playing so we split up into two teams. Next time I want to be on Father’s team… This game definitely points out which areas of the faith you may need to brush up on!
There is a limited quantity available and right now you can purchase it at a discount!
*Note: All links in this post are affiliate links.

If you’d like a chance to win The Purgative Way for your family please leave a comment on this post and enter using the Rafflecopter box below:
I’ll leave the giveaways open until 4/23/22 at 11:59PM PST and draw the winner on 4/24/22. I hope you all have a very blessed Triduum and Happy Easter!
This is super cool! Great for family game night.
This is super cool! Love it!
What a neat game!
I saw a review of this game a while back. I'm glad there are more Catholic learning games out there for families to have fun while learning at the same time. Love it! – Laura G.
This looks like a really good game to add to our collection of board games.
This looks like an amazing game! Love that it is adaptable to various ages.
That looks really interesting and informative.
We love games too
That looks like an awesome game!
Not sure if my comment went through. This game looks great! We love to play board games!
What a beautiful and fun way to learn!
Wow! Such a cool game!
A good board game is always appreciated in our house, too!
The images are gorgeous. I'm eager to check it out.
Wow, that looks great! Thank you, Jessica… you always find the nearest things! 😍
Looks like a great game! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
This sounds like such a cool game!! What a fun find!
Thank you – looks fun!
Our son will be prepping for his First Communion in a year. This game sounds like a fun way to help reinforce our Catholic Faith.
Definitely putting this on our wish list!
What a fun way to learn the faith!!!
Pure genius- a game for many ages and levels together. This looks fantastic and fun!
Thank you for your review and giveaway. I hadn’t heard of this game. Blessed Easter to your family!
I looked into getting this game for my family but hesitated. Thank you for the review and for this give away! Wishing you and your beautiful family a Holy and Blessed Easter. So sorry to hear about your wrist accident. Praying you recover quickly. I broke my ankle a year ago and am still dealing with issues from it. Thank you, God, for the cross. God bless you.
Love that another Catholic game has been made. We already love the Catholic card game and Divinity.
i love it!! it is perfect for a family game night. super excited to show my daughters
Thank you for this giveaway. The prize is lovely.
How fun!
Always love a new board game for our family game night! Love that it teaches our faith.
Looks so fun!
Hi Jessica 🙏
I would love to add this game to our family game night, thank you for the giveaway opportunity. I am just not sure if my entry went through. Any way of finding out!
Hi Kari, I'm not seeing it listed when I check the entries. Send me an email with your email address and I'll get it added! Sorry about that! Sometimes people have trouble with rafflecopter.
Looks like an interesting way to teach a core knowledge of the faith.
I love a good Catholic game! So awesome you played with Fr. Eichman!
I love how challenging this game seems. My boys would love this!
Wow!! What an awesome game. I've never heard of it and I really want to try it!! Love it!
This looks like such a fun and interactive way to spend time as a family while deepening our knowledge of our Catholic faith!
Have never heard of this game – it sounds really fun and a great way to learn! Thanks!
I've been wanting to get this game for a while!
Thank you for bringing new things like this game to our attention.
This looks like an incredibly beautiful and fun game. I can’t wait to get one and play it with our family! I love your reviews so much! Thank you!
Looks like fun!
Ooh! This sounds perfect for a family summer game!
We love games here too! This looks so interesting!
This game sounds interesting.
We are very into games here and this would be a great addition. We are really loving Saints Alive, a great one if you find it!
Wow, this looks like such a neat game! Thank you so much for offering the generous giveaway!!
Ooooh!!! Our family loves games, and this one looks like fun AND a great learning tool for all of us!! 😉 Thanks for the opportunity to win one! Hope you and your family are having a lovely Easter and that your arm is feeling much better!!
Hello! Parents be warned.
I wanted to leave a review because I have owned this game for a year (last Christmas, my husband and I purchased it for our friends, but it took us a while to crack it open ourselves).
I need to say: We were horrified to pull a Moral Dilemma card that graphically described rape, including the terms “semen,” “D&C,” and “coitus.” Mortified, we called up our friends and warned them to go through the deck carefully — all of us have young children, and any of us could have handed the game to our kids to play, never in a million years suspecting that they might be exposed to a graphic description of rape and highly specific terminology that would easily result in pornographic content, should an innocent and unknowing mind try to ascertain their meaning.
The game box, advertising, and instructions do not include any proportionate warning that would suggest this kind of content. Obviously, many traditional Catholic parents have taken immense efforts to purge our homes of any books, images, toys, and influences that would violate the innocence of our children prematurely. I would have expected a parallel level of sensitivity from traditional Catholics who created a board game and use the words “age-appropriate” and “family friendly” throughout the advertising.
There is a brief and unhighlighted mention of “14+” labels on some Moral Dilemma cards in the instructions — as a traditional Catholic, I would assume that 14+ included, perhaps, complex scenarios, or vaguely worded references to fornication or adultery. I certainly do not consider the words “rape,” “semen,” and “D&C” appropriate in a game setting for persons of any age. Much less 14 in our porn-saturated culture!
The card quotes Saint Alphonsus, not taking any care with the context. The Moral Doctor undertook a horrific and spiritually taxing effort to answer detailed casuistry cases for CONFESSORS. In the opening of his work, he emphasizes intensely that questions on the 6th and 9th commandments are only to be read by spiritually equipped, sober confessors who have grave need of clarity. That is an absolutely different context than printing his words on a family board game that is highly likely to be in the hands of children.
I now feel the need to alert other parents to the intensely graphic nature of at least one of these cards — it would be enough to scar a child or damage the relationship between two families. There is no way anyone plugging or buying the game has read through every card, or severe warnings would abound (if not demands to pull that card from future editions of the game).
Goodness! I have been traveling this week and just now seeing your comment. It is very true that I did not read through every card, there are so many, and our family had (thankfully) not run across that card as we have used the cards geared towards the younger children. I’ll be forwarding your comment to The Purgative Way and hopefully it can be edited for future editions as you said. I am really shocked and sorry to hear this.
Thank you for sharing your concern.
This is a game I made for my family to strengthen my children and myself in our faith, and to prepare them to face the difficult challenges of the modern world. The intent of the game was a challenge “for all ages” which meant all ages would be challenged at an age appropriate level whether they were preparing for their 1st communion or about to graduate high school and leave the shelter of the home.
The intent of these specific cards was not to cause scandal and I am deeply sorry if it has. The subject matter is found directly in Sacred Scripture which, depending on the translation, uses words like “semen”. See for example, Genesis 38: 8-10 (Onan) and Samuel 2: 11-19.
In the current instructions, under the section describing how to use the moral dilemmas, it states, “Some moral dilemmas have a “14+” on the top of the cards. These pertain to more mature subjects and are to be used at the discretion of adults. For family settings, it is recommended these be separated out and set aside from the rest of the game.”
Here are the specifics of the cards in question:
Is it sinful for an unmarried person to passionately kiss another person? (e.g. French kissing) Why or why not?
Yes, it is mortally sinful to do so. “Kisses, embracing, grazing, touch and similar things, if they happen outside of matrimony and from intention for a lustful act, or on account of sexual enjoyment…are still always mortal sins because in that mind, outside of matrimony, they are unchaste and by their nature such enjoyment tends to completion.” – St. Alphonsus Liguori
If a woman is being raped, can she do anything to keep from conceiving? Explain.
Yes, she can try to get away from the rapist “even if the semen of the man would be poured out; this is because it would come about per accidens and on account of the malice of the man.” (St. Alphonsus Liguori) The rapist has no conjugal (bodily) rights so the woman is not committing an act of contraception if she seeks to avoid coitus. What she cannot do, however, is something like a D&C that enters the womb to scrape away the semen since such an act could terminate a child which was conceived.
As soon as this concern was brought to our attention, we took the following actions:
1. Current versions of the game will receive a sticker on the back which states, “Some moral dilemmas have a “14+” on the top of the cards. These pertain to more mature subjects and are to be used at the discretion of adults. For family settings, it is recommended these be separated out and set aside from the rest of the game.”
2. The section on moral dilemmas on the website has been updated to highlight that the 14+ cards should be used at the discretion of adults.
3. For any future printings of the game, this section in the instructions will be made red. Additionally, an asterisk warning of the 14+ cards will be added to the instruction page which shows the back of the moral dilemma cards. To prevent scandal, the moral dilemma referencing rape will be removed from future printings of the game.
Spes in Christo!
A brief update. We were able to update the current versions of the game and removed the card pertaining to rape. Any versions that ship henceforth will not include this card.
Spes in Christo!
Thank you, Zane. I appreciate you addressing these concerns and the actions you’ve taken! God bless!