The lives of the saints point us to God.
Can you persevere in faith? Do you have the hope of the saints?

The children’s story of St. Philomena is recaptured here in “My Name is Philomena”, highlighting her examples of heroic virtue.
By reading this story, it challenges all Christians, boys and girls alike, to follow the example of St. Philomena’s perseverance and her longstanding trust and hope in God.
St. John Vianney’s strong devotion to St. Philomena testifies that even the patron saint of parish priests can rely on her intercession.

Do you have what it takes to imitate Philomena?; to be a true and loyal companion of God?
The life and example of St. Philomena, thoroughly captured in this story, is sure to point us in the virtuous path that leads us to God. Don’t miss this opportunity!

My Name is Philomena can be ordered directly from TAN Books or from Amazon here.

“My children, Saint Philomena has great power with God, and she has, moreover, a kind heart; let us pray to her with confidence. Her virginity and generosity in embracing her heroic martyrdom have rendered her so agreeable to God that He will never refuse her anything that she asks for us.” – St. John Vianney (THE CURE D’ARS)
To celebrate the feast of St. John Vianney (August 4th on the new calendar and coming up on August 8th on the traditional calendar -one of our daughter’s patron saints!) who loved St. Philomena very much (and built an altar for her which is still in Ars today!) and the upcoming feast of St. Philomena (August 11th- another daughter’s confirmation saint!) I get to giveaway a couple copies of this beautiful new picture written by Fr. Peregrine Fletcher and published by TAN Books.
To enter the giveaway simply leave a comment on this post. (Shipping to continental USA only.) The giveaway will close at 11:59PM EST time on August 7th, 2023 and the winner will be announced on August 8th. You can enter for a second chance to win over at Instagram.

UPDATE: Congratulations to Amanda! Please check your email and get back to me with your shipping address. 🙂
You can find additional books for August feast days here.
St. Philomena, ora pro nobis!
I am so excited for this book! St. Philomena is my Confirmation Saint and I can’t wait to share this story with my children! Thanks for sharing!
Saint Philomena is one of my absolute favorite saints. I’m so excited for this book to share with my kids.
St. Philomena is my little sister’s patron saint. I’m praying a novena to her that my sister will be healed of her infertility. 💜
Hi, please enter me in the drawing, Thank you
Thank you, Jessica. St Philomena is such a beautiful soul and her story sorely needed in these times.
Excited to read this. She was the favorite saint of St. John Vianney.
Love the Norbertine Fathers! This book looks lovely, thanks for reviewing!
I love learning about the saints! My kids are constantly asking me about them.
Our family has great affection for St. Philomena. Thank you for the giveaway!
One can never have enough Saint books for children!
This book seems perfect to read to my 3rd grade CCD class which will begin next month.
Looks beautiful! She is one of my favorites! Thank you!!
I would love a copy of this book! My second oldest is Philomena. The saint worked a miracle for us right before the baby was born, and that’s how she got her name!
St. Philomena is the best! Would love this books for my nieces.
What delightful news that there’s another text to tell St Philomena’s story – and illustrated as well – bravo! St Philomena, please pray for us!
Love her statue at divine mercy shrine in Stockbridge ! Looks like a great addition to our grandchildren’s books
I love reading about the saints.
Thank You for the chance to win this book. Don’t know much about this saint.
I would love to read about the life of ST. Philomena,
This book looks wonderful! We have a friend who has a special devotion to St. Philomena.
What a beautiful book! Thank you for sharing it with us!
This book looks beautiful! With so many Catholic books that have cheesy or downright ugly illustrations, I’m a sucker for a well-drawn picture book.
I am just beginning to understand the importance of St. Philomena. I would love to have this book to share
with my parish.
If I had to judge the book by its cover, I’d say beautiful! I just love that cover art! That spread alone is captivating and drawing me in! Can’t wait to read this one!
This book looks lovely and I would love to read it to my daughter. Thanks for sharing!
We would love to win this book. Our precious Mikaila Philomena was named after this magnificent Saint who is also my patron. Our beautiful daughter passed away from brain cancer at the age of 3. She is now counted among the saints in Heaven. We have 9 other children and I would love to add this book to our collection. Saint Philimena, pray for us!!!
Oh this looks like a beautiful book. Philomena is one of my favourites ❤️
St. Philomena is an awesome saint. Thank you for sharing.
I am so excited about this new picture book on St. PHILOMENA!!!! She is another one of my favorite saints.
My oldest is being confirmed this November and is choosing St. Philomena as her patron. Thanks for the chance to win.
The cover alone is captivating!
I appreciate the giveaway, but especially bringing to light a saint that may not always be on the forefront in people’s minds. I’m always glad for these little reminders.
Looks beautiful 😍
Beautiful book!
St. Philomena, Ora Pro Nobis!
Philomena is my youngest’s middle name! Looks like a beautiful book!
We love St. Philomena! 🙂
This book looks beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
Such a beautiful book. Saint Philomena, pray for us.
My granddaughter, Philomena, would love this book!
Looks like a good book!
St. Philomena is the patron saint of babies and my mom just had a miscarriage in March. So, please pray for her. I hope that God will soon bless her with a baby. Also, please enter me into the giveaway.
This book looks delightful! St. Philomena is a patron of our family and we would love to add this book to our library.
It’s so good to see you posting a new blog post!
We love reading about the saints in our homeschool. The artwork in this book is very stunning!
My daughter loves St. Philomena and wants to chose her as her Confirmation saint. 🙂
I’ve had my eye on this since I saw it advertised! One of my girls is named after St. Philomena. Such a beautiful and powerful intercessor!
What beautiful pictures
This book looks like it would be a lovely addition to our Saint book collection!
Our first daughter’s middle name is Philomena. She is a powerful intercessor. Thank You, God for the merits of this Saint.
Ahh! St. Philomena! My father, who died many years ago, had a very strong devotion to her! We used to joke him about this bond between them because everytime he prayed a novena to her there was always some very visible answer! I can only wonder how that relationship may have changed and grown since his death.
St. Philomena, ora pro nobis!
The illustrations look lovely. Thank you for sharing this book and for the giveaway. God bless you and your beautiful family.
Thanks for the opportunity! The artwork is stunning and the glimpse of text looks wonderful for children.
This looks beautiful! I am so impressed that it was written and illustrated by the same priest. I would love to see more of his artwork.
What a beautiful book!
This will be a lovely addition to our library. I don’t think we know much about this Saint. It will be wonderful to learn about her through this book.
Thanks for the giveaway.
This looks like a beautiful book! I’m looking forward to reading it to my daughter.
This saint is loved by my granddaughter and she would enjoy reading this book about Philomena.
Such lovely illustrations! Thank you!
Saint Philomena has a special place in our heart! Our adoption counselor had a great love for Saint Philomena, she gave us a saint book about her and when my daughter came home, we would always talk about Saint Philomena, and for her confirmation she chose
Saint Philomena. Our beautiful daughter is now headed to college. This would be a beautiful book for our family as a reminder of Saint Philomena. The Saint who watched over our adoption and brought her sweet daughter home to us.
What a beautiful book and a beautiful Saint!