St. Jerome and the Lion

by | Sep 30, 2013 | Catholic Mosaic, Giveaway, Saints, St. Jerome | 157 comments

The oldest two boys are off having fun with their grandma today, watching my youngest brother (both Kevin and David are on college golf teams this year!) compete in one of his college golf tournaments!  My boys have only gotten to watch their uncle golf one other time and they were so excited, and more than willing to get a jump start on their school work for the week yesterday afternoon after Mass!

In the meantime, the girls have been helping me decorate some cupcakes for today’s feast of St. Jerome!

“lie-lie!” (aka: lion) 

After the littlest ones are up from their naps we will all read and discuss St. Jerome and the Lion by Margaret Hodges, using Cay’s excellent study guide found in Catholic Mosaic and the coloring page in Fenestrae Fidei!

Speaking of Catholic Mosaic, I have a copy to give away! My well-loved copy of Catholic Mosaic is the original spiral bound version, but this full color copy was sent by Krista (who happened to have an extra) for me to pass along to one of my visitors here at Shower of Roses.  Thank you Krista!

If you would like to be entered in this giveaway for a copy of Catholic Mosaic (my copy of St. Jerome and the Lion is not included), just leave a comment on this post, and make sure your email address is either linked on your profile or included in the comment so that I am able to contact you if you win.

I will be hosting a few more giveaways throughout the week, so be sure to check back!  The giveaway will be open through Sunday, October 6th and I will update this post and contact the winner next Monday, October 7th.

Thank you all for participating!
“So valuable to heaven is the dignity of the human soul that every member of the human race has a guardian angel from the moment the person begins to be.”
St. Jerome

St. Jerome, Pray for Us! 


  1. stjosephacademy

    We would love a copy of Catholic Mosaic. Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. Anonymous

    What a lovely book. We would really enjoy it. Thank you for the giveaway!

    [email protected]

  3. Sarah

    We won love to win Catholic Mosaic. Their book list is wonderful. We also read St. Jerome and the Lion today. Thank you!

  4. Anonymous

    Our family would love a copy for our homeschool classroom and to share with our Catholic school friends : ) [email protected]

  5. JenniferM

    Would love to have a copy of Catholic Mosaic. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  6. Anonymous

    Thank you for all the ideas for ways to live the liturgical year. I would love to own this book to live more of the liturgical year with my family. God bless you Jessica and your lovely family.
    [email protected]

  7. Stephanie in Germany

    What a wonderful offer! I'm in!

  8. Laura B

    Thanks for the giveaway! Would love to have a copy of this.

  9. Molli Mc G

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  10. Anonymous

    Would love a Catholic Mosaic. I have most of the books to use with it. God bless you for your talents, so we can enjoy!
    [email protected]

  11. Anonymous

    We would love to have a copy! We went over budget with our homeschool supplies and I had really wanted to get this! Thank you for a chance to win! God bless.
    [email protected]

  12. Anonymous

    I forgot to add my name it is Katherine! Sorry 🙂

  13. Karla in MN

    OOOOH! I have this in my Amazon cart…but would love to win it…( I don't usually win anything, but there's a first for everything, right???) *smile* Thanks for doing such a great give away!

  14. teriannm

    I would LOVE to have a copy of Catholic Mosaic of my very own! What an awesome giveaway!
    teriannm AT gmail DOT com

  15. Unknown

    I would love a copy of Catholic Mosaic. Looks *like a beautiful book!

  16. Unknown

    What a lovely give away. Catholic Mosaic has been on my amazon wish list for quite some time now. Also thank you for always sharing the wonderful celebrations of the liturgical year that you do with your family. I have learned so much from you and have enjoyed implementing many aspects of your celebrations into our family traditions too. We have benefited greatly from your generosity!

  17. Anonymous

    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Seisel92 at yahoo dot com

  18. Kelly B

    This would be quite helpful for not only my kids but for ME to learn how to live the liturgical year at home. Thank you! I have learned so much from you already. What a blessing you've been to me – a perfect stranger.

  19. Lindsay

    What a great giveaway!!
    Lvardalos @ gmail DOT com

  20. Jennie

    I would love to win this! Thank you!

  21. Rain

    I would love to win this! I'm new to the faith and liturgical year.

  22. Beth

    We have been working our way through the mosaic booklist you posted here on the blog years back. We'd love to use the study guide as well. Thanks!

  23. Christine M.

    This would be so wonderful! Happy feast of St. Jerome.
    [email protected]

  24. Robyn

    Ooh, Catholic Mosaic has been on my wishlist for a long time.

  25. Mom2Seven

    Please include me! 🙂

  26. Anonymous

    I always enjoy reading your blog. This looks like a great book.

    [email protected]

  27. Rose

    Count me in!

    Here's my e-mail: paulinap718[AT]gmail[dot]com

  28. Mimi G.

    Thank you for the chance in the giveaway!! I've been wanting a copy of this book for a few months now. Please thank your friend too who gave you the book. God bless you both!

  29. Anonymous

    Our family would love a copy! Thank you so much for always posting about the liturgical season, it's always nice to surprise my kids with a new saint's feast day.

    [email protected]

  30. Anonymous

    Thank you so much for blessing us with continued inspiration. Love all your ideas! You are truly blessed by the Holy Spirit. Thanks for the generous giveaway, God Bless.

    [email protected]

  31. Anonymous

    For many years I have enjoyed following the liturgical year celebrating the many many wonderful feast days of our beautiful Blessed Mother celebrating with Novenas, prayers and reading the history of her feast days. This book would be wonderful to learn more about the feast days of our beloved Saints throughout the year. Thank YOU Jessica for this generous offer. Sincerely, Debbie [email protected]

  32. happymomonline

    This looks like a lovely book which I do not have a copy of. Please enter me in your drawing. I am trying to bring more Saint feast days into our daily lives and it looks like this could help. Thanks!

  33. Nicole

    I would love to add this as a resource in our household. We have several books mentioned in Catholic Mosaic.

  34. Theresa

    Would love this resource

  35. Rosie

    I didn't realize that Catholic Mosaic was a book, I always thought it was a booklist. Thanks for letting me know about this, and please enter me into the drawing! If I don't win, I will be buying it anyway…

  36. Katie

    I would love this! We have been putting saint magnets on a calendar (inspired by you) and reading a little blurb about each saint everyday for about two years now. This book would really help me step it up a little more. Thank you so much for offering this giveaway!

    [email protected]

  37. Monica Kelly

    This looks like it would be a lovely resource. Thanks for sharing all that you do! [email protected]

  38. Anonymous

    I would like to be entered into the drawing. My kids would love this book! My email is [email protected]. Thanks and God bless!

  39. Mary

    Would love to win this book – thanks for the chance! I actually found that St. Jerome book at a garage sale years ago 🙂

    [email protected]

  40. The Cotter Family

    What a great giveaway! Thanks for all of the inspiration you provide for living liturgically and homeschooling! Lisa mrslisacotter(at)gmail(dot)com

  41. Jean

    What a wonderful book. It would be a great addition to our homeschooling.
    Thank you!!

  42. Anonymous

    We would love to have this book
    [email protected]

  43. Sarah

    This would be a fantastic resource as we've just begun homeschooling religious ed this year. Thank you for the chance. Skdrabant at gmail dot com

  44. Anonymous

    Thank you for this giveaway. May God bless you and your family. [email protected]

  45. Anonymous

    This book has been on my wish list for a while! It would be a blessing to win it! Thanks for the chance…and thanks for your blog. It has been an encouraging resource.
    Peace and All Good,
    [email protected]

  46. Anonymous

    [email protected] i like the chocolate lion and your colorful pictureful blog!! happy feast of st therese!!!

  47. Natalie

    Not sure if this giveaway is international, but if it is, I would love to rehome this copy of Catholic Mosaic downunder. Thank you.

    [email protected]

  48. Sharyn

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Kim

    This would be wonderful for my family and catechism class
    [email protected]

  50. Anonymous

    Cute lion, such a simple yet perfect idea! Put me down for the giveaway, thanks! [email protected]

  51. Anonymous

    I would love to win a copy of the Catholic Mosaic. I also loved reading the St. Jerome quote. I am expecting another child and love the idea of another guardian angel already hanging around. [email protected]

  52. Kathleen

    Oooh! Pick me! I'd love to start introducing more Catholic literature into my home as my kids are now getting older and able to understand more about their faith. Thanks, Jessica!

  53. Unknown

    I love your blog! Thanks so much for sharing! Our family would love to have this book. I am good at reading Catholic blogs but I must say I am usually dissapointed to find that someone is celebrating a feast day that I missed yet again. Maybe this would keep me on track! God bless! Trish
    [email protected]

  54. Julie R

    I would love to win this book. Thank you for the opportunity! God bless you and your family! Julie
    [email protected]

  55. Jessica W

    Thank you for the chance to win!
    jessiewright1013 @ yahoo dot com

  56. Anonymous

    Thanks for this opportunity! Have looked at this beautiful a couple of times at conferences.
    [email protected]

  57. Anonymous

    Thank you for this giveaway…how beautiful and generous~~~
    [email protected]

  58. Anonymous

    Would love to have the book. And do think that the St. Michael doll is just adorable and perfect for little boys. What a great way to give them a true hero to play with. The best one to look up to, go to for assistance and pray with! Thank you.
    [email protected]

  59. Julie

    I would love to win! Thank you Jessica and Krista!

  60. Anonymous

    I am so enjoying your web site as you have really helped me celebrate the Liturgical year more with my children and I am truly grateful for all you do. I have thought about ordering this book many times but the budget is tight with a large family and two in college. I would live to win this and appreciate your give-away. God bless you and your lovely family.
    [email protected]
    Yours in Christ, through our lady, Dawn

  61. Sarah O

    Adding this to my Amazon wishlist in case I don't win… what a wonderful looking resource. Thanks for a great giveaway!

    Sarah O @ Two Os Plus More

  62. elm

    Beautiful book! (FUN cake!!!)

  63. Anonymous

    This book would be such a lovely addition to our learning, For my girl and our Little Flowers group.
    Thank you again for all the time you put into your blog. Thank you for sharing your faith and family with us!
    [email protected]

  64. Anne in NC

    What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

  65. Anne

    Ohhhh!!! This book has been on my wishlist for quite awhile now. Since I started following your blog and homeschooling last year I think!!!

  66. Jane

    Looks fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway!

  67. Anonymous

    Oh wow! I have been wanting to use Catholic Mosiac! Great giveaway!
    davidmeyerfamily(at) gmail (dot) com
    Bridget M

  68. Anonymous

    Book looks amazing. Thank you for all these new resources.
    Betsybarkley at yahoo dot com

  69. montanamama90

    I would love to win a copy of Catholic Mosaic. We are hoping to jump in with homeschooling next fall and I am trying to get organized with materials! I love your blog

  70. Karen

    I would love to win a copy of Catholic Mosaic. It looks like it would be a great add to our homeschool.


    Jessica – I only learned of your website last week!!! You are so gracious in sharing your many ideas! Thank you!

  72. Unknown

    I would love to be blessed with a copy of this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. Maureen

    This book has been on my wishlist for quite awhile! Thanks for the chance to win! purplekoolaid at yahoo dot com

  74. Christina

    I would LOVE to win this! Thank you for your inspiring blog!
    Pcmaneyfamily @ gmail dot com

  75. admin

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway, so much fun! :o) Becky fancyrockfarms at hotmail dot com

  76. Jennifer Elia

    Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for the giveaway.

  77. noreen

    Wow Jessica, this would be ideal for teaching my 1st graders! Please enter me in your giveaway. I had wondered where you find such great saint books 🙂

  78. Megan

    This book looks so wonderful! I need something to encourage me to teach my 4 little ones about the lives of the saints. [email protected]

  79. Ashley

    I have been tossing around buying this very copy. How fortuitous! My email is [email protected].

  80. * IrwinSong *

    I have heard of this book and have many times thought about splurging to get it but have not done so yet! I so appreciate your blog- you will probably never know how many lives you have inspired and touched with your beautiful, creative ideas! Thank you for sharing with so many, so freely! God bless you and your precious family.

  81. KC

    LOVE the cake! l e e k e l l y c o l e at

  82. Anonymous

    I would love to win Catholic Mosaic. Thanks, Jessica!

    [email protected]

  83. Sarah

    I have had this book on my wish list for quite a while now!!!

  84. maggie wright

    Jessica I would love to win the Catholic Mosaic! I have wanted this for a long time. holinessisforeveryone at gmail dot com Blessings, Maggie

  85. Anonymous

    The book sounds amazing. Would love a chance to win 🙂
    Ruth Anne
    [email protected]

  86. Tamalyn

    Oh my – we would love a copy of Catholic Mosaic. Thanks so much for the opportunity. Your blog is such a blessing to our family!

    [email protected]

  87. Anonymous

    I would love to have another copy…mine is rather worn!
    childofmary 2002 at yahoo (dot) com

  88. Lena

    wonderful giveaway. i envy your book collection.

  89. Mary

    Oh, I've had my eye on this for some time….hope it's God's will. Thanks for sharing your family and talents with all of us! [email protected]

  90. momof4

    Love your blog! Jennifer in wv

  91. Karra

    Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  92. Emily

    Thank you for all the inspiration! I love reading your blog and feel like I learn something each time! [email protected]

  93. Kim

    Include me, please! Although I think I may need to purchase this book if I don't win…

  94. Megan

    So generous, thank you. The book looks like a great resource for children and adults 🙂

  95. Christine Stasa

    Amazing & thoughtful give-away! ~ [email protected]

    ~Thank you!

  96. Amanda

    I would love a copy of this book. Thanks!

  97. Megan

    We would love to have a copy of Catholic Mosaic.

  98. Jocelyn

    What a lovely giveaway for the Feast of St. Jerome! Catholic Mosaic is definitely on my wishlist!!
    [email protected]

  99. Amy

    Our family has had Catholic Mosaic on our wish list for a few years. We would love to win a copy!
    Thanks for the giveaway, Jessica. And, as always, thanks for your generosity.

  100. Jennifer V.

    I've been eyeing Catholic Mosaic for a long time. I'd love to win a copy. Thank you for your giveaways this week. I love your blog and read your posts regularly.
    [email protected]

  101. Unknown

    Thank you for all your wonderful posts! You are an inspiration!!

  102. Mommyof3

    We would love to win Catholic Mosaic, thank you for the chance 🙂

  103. Maria

    I'd love to have this!

  104. Unknown

    I would love to win this. I have started Connecting with History this year with 4 students… 🙂 I love it! Thanks for the referral to it. But that has stretched my book budget this year, so winning this would help bunches! 😉

  105. Anonymous

    I love your lion! Please enter me in the giveaway!
    [email protected]

  106. Angie W

    Oh, pick me, pick me! What a great book!

  107. Jennifer

    We would love to win Catholic Mosaic. I love your blog, all the information and inspiration is so nice. [email protected]

  108. The JP Behnkes

    I would love to win this! We so desperately want it for our homeschool but just can't swing it right now! God bless!

  109. kathy

    Oh, that lion is too cute! I'd love to win a copy of Catholic Mosaic–I'm sure I'd learn as much as my kids!

  110. Anonymous

    Please enter me in the contest!

  111. Molly

    I've been eyeing Catholic Mosaic and would love to win this! Thank you for the opportunity.

  112. Leslie

    I would love to win Catholic Mosaic! It's on my wishlist! halo537 at hotmail dot com

  113. Anonymous

    We would love to add this to our homeschool. Thanks so much for the give away.
    [email protected]

  114. Anonymous

    Jessica, oh this book has been on my list for a while. I would love to win and use it in our family. God Bless
    [email protected]

  115. Loretta

    What a great resource! Count me in – we would love to win a copy!

  116. jessica

    What a great give away! You have the best books. So many of them make their way on my Amazon wishlist. 🙂

  117. Anna

    I would love to win this Catholic Mosaic book. What a treasure it would be to me, in my first year of homeschooling!

  118. Lindsay K

    Ohhh, thanks! If I win this book then I could give my mom's copy back to her. 😉

  119. KB

    This comment has been removed by the author.


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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