...make SUCH a BIG mess!?!This is how I found my daughters room last night...IT IS SO FRUSTRATING!!! I want to be able to make my home a haven and work on ways to make our life simply lovely. But honestly, what do you do when the little ones can make SUCH messes??...
Loveliness of Planning Fair
Today has been interesting... We woke up to a brown out... NOT good! The last time this happened, it burned up the motor on our refrigerator. Hubby and I quickly unplugged everything in the house, and shut the breakers off, then called the power company.Before hubby...
Menu Planning
Having a decent dinner on the table at a decent hour has been quite the challenge for me, especially the past few years...One of my favorite "extra benefits" of having a new baby is the few weeks of meals we receive afterwards!! It is SO NICE not to have to think,...
My Nightstand
OK... I have been a rather lazy blogger this first week of January.Partially, since I am still recovering from my bronchitis... (I am highly sensitive to medicine, and ended up having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. But, I am doing much better!)Partially,...
The School Room ~ An Update!
I finally have our "School Room" put back together! It is amazing what last minute company can help you accomplish! Here are a few photos for you to see what I have been up to this week...I took snapshots of different views of our room. In this picture you can see our...
The School Room ~ Revisited
I posted last summer about organizing and setting up our school room. That arrangement was working alright for awhile... However, once we added a table to the middle of the room, it made it feel so cramped and cluttered. And who wants to spend much time in a cramped...
Preparing to Prepare
The latest Loveliness fair is up... The loveliness of Preparing to Prepare!You can read it here.Like all of the loveliness fairs, it is just lovely! I wanted to participate, but honestly, I have just been too preoccupied with life lately... It seems that there is...
And MORE progress!!
Posting these pictures is REALLY helping me stay focused and motivated!! I should try this with the other projects I would like to accomplish!! WOW!!My son & I just hung up our maps, and now there is not much left that needs to be done.. Hooray!!I would still like...
After HOURS of work, my school room is starting to come together! I still have a couple maps to hang up and a few more piles to sort and put away, or throw away -- along with the other 5 bags of trash that have already been disposed of 🙂 YAY!! There may actually be...
What a MESS!!
In an attempt to try and get organized... All I have accomplished is creating a BIGGER MESS! Yikes!! I really have my work cut out for me don't I?!?
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.