Here is another inspiring sermon, all about the need for unity in our Church, which was recently given by our Archbishop during the 2015 Gregorian Chant conference on March 7, 2015 at the Brigittine Monastery in Amity, Oregon. ...

Here is another inspiring sermon, all about the need for unity in our Church, which was recently given by our Archbishop during the 2015 Gregorian Chant conference on March 7, 2015 at the Brigittine Monastery in Amity, Oregon. ...
I still can hardly believe that Archbishop Sample is our Archbishop! He gives me such hope for our liberal state and diocese. Deo Gratias!This beautiful and inspiring sermon was given by His Excellency Archbishop Sample at the Pontifical Mass he celebrated...
"Homeschooling is one of our responses to preserve all things Catholic. This is our cross. Let us not come down from such a privileged place. Yes it's hard! But it's a privileged place. And when you are privileged, it's gonna be hard...." This...
Why HomeschoolI shared the link to this beautiful homily over on my Facebook page a week or so ago, and was going to add it to my last Daybook post as well. I changed my mind and decided it really deserved a post of it's own, that way I'll be able to find it...
Given by Archbishop Fulton Sheen at the Carmelite church in Whitefriar St., Dublin, Ireland in 1973. You can watch the last couple minutes here. ~ Day Six ~ Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of the faithful, and kindle in them the fire of...
Prayer for FathersSt. Joseph, guardian of Jesus and chaste husband of Mary, you passed your life in loving fulfillment of duty. You supported the holy family of Nazareth with the work of your hands. Kindly protect those who trustingly come to you. You know their...
Yesterday morning we attended the funeral of a kind older man from church, Mr. Ralph Denman. My boys both loved Mr. Denman, and have been serving Mass and Benediction with him on Friday's since they were 5 years old. He was an excellent role model to my boys, and will...
Love's Wordless Response: Weep, Adore and Comfort"My despised Jesus, nail my heart to the cross that it may always remain there to love You and never leave You again. I love You more than myself; I am sorry for ever having offended You. Never permit me to offend You...
I just finished listening to the following sermon from Audio Sancto on veiling images and the veiling of women:The Theological Significance of Veils and Consequences of Unveiling
After reading this post, and thinking about the state of both the Church and our country, I wanted to share the following letter with you all. It was written by a very holy pastor (who is a dear friend of ours and also the Pro-life Director in our Archdiocese) in...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.