Snuggles ~ 10 months old

Snuggles ~ 10 months old
More cake, please!This morning someone woke up early and decided to help herself to the rest of the cake a piece of cake. She was loving it... The other kids, not so much.(They were wanting some more too.)
Today was Chiquita's 3rd Birthday! In fact, right now it is only minutes away from when she was actually born. We had a wonderful day, but I am too tired to share it with you now... I'm off to bed--even though this is early for me!! Hopefully I will have a chance...
Today was a very traumatic day for the boys.Mr. Peter Nemo died.It hit Captain hard. He is such a sweet, sensitive boy, and he has never really been faced with death. He has been to a few funerals in his life, but not of anyone he has known, and so he has yet to feel...
After Mass today, we went to Cold Stone to celebrate a very sweet girl's birthday!! We had a blast!Anyone have a good caption for these pictures?P.S. Mr. Peter Nemo lives!! I put a drop of food grade peroxide in the water last night, which was suggested by a friend of...
Well, it looks like Jennifer and Jamie--no, not my sisters Jennifer and Jamie!-- were thinking along the same lines as Captain. He couldn't decide whether he wanted to name his fish Peter or Nemo, so he started calling him Mister in the meantime... (I wonder where he...
SO... We now have pets!!!! This is a very first for our family!! I have always said that I have more to take care of than I can handle without pets, so why would I choose to add pets to my list of things to take care of... But, my kids have been begging for a pet, and...
Welcome Holy Father!!What a blessing to have our dear Pope Benedict XVI visiting our country!!Don't miss all the wonderful ideas and links that Alice, Colleen, Amy, Michele and Karen have shared for celebrating the Papal visit!
I didn't have much of a chance to play with my camera today... However, I did get one shot.Early this morning, my mom and two of my brothers came over to help me put the school room back together before Mrs. K arrived to work with Captain. While we were busy...
"I want to know who ATE the butter?!?"
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.