"Mississippi begins with the letter M as does "Magnolia State."Our people, waters, and fertile landmake Mississippi great." ~ M is for Magnolia: A Mississippi Alphabet .: Mississippi by Captain :..: Mississippi by Rascal :.*The links to...

"Mississippi begins with the letter M as does "Magnolia State."Our people, waters, and fertile landmake Mississippi great." ~ M is for Magnolia: A Mississippi Alphabet .: Mississippi by Captain :..: Mississippi by Rascal :.*The links to...
P is for PelicanThe Pelican is a funny bird - It catches its food in a pouch,and when it's stuffed with a heavy load,I'll bet that poor bird says "Ouch!" ~ P is for Pelican: A Louisiana Alphabet .: Louisiana by Captain :..: Louisiana by...
"B is for Buckeye,Ohio's nickname and tree.Its nut looks like a deer's eye,early pioneers would all agree." ~ B is for Buckeye: An Ohio Alphabet .: Ohio by Captain :..: Ohio by Rascal :.*The links to the worksheets used for these notebook pages...
"V is for Volunteer.It's important for you to knowwhen help is needed anywhere,Tennesseans are sure to go." ~ V is for Volunteer: A Tennessee Alphabet .: Tennessee by Captain :..: Tennessee by Rascal :.*The links to the worksheets used for these...
" Capital comes with the letter C.Here laws are made to keep us free.On the banks of two rivers, sitting pretty,Montpelier is our capital city." ~ M is for Maple Syrup: A Vermont Alphabet .: Vermont by Captain :..: Vermont by Rascal :.*The links...
"B is for Bluegrass,across broad fields it's seenand though it looks the color blueup close the grass is green." ~ B is for Bluegrass: A Kentucky Alphabet .: Kentucky by Captain :..: Kentucky by Rascal :.*The links to the worksheets used for these...
"R is for Rhode Island Red.The roosters have plenty of meat.The hens will lay eggs all year.Known far and wide throughout the land,Rhode Island Reds came from here." ~ R is for Rhode Island :: A Rhode Island Alphabet .: Rhode Island by Captain...
"Y is for yellow, a mellow yellowthe color in which farmers' fields are dressedduring Indiana's autumn harvest,when corn and soy crops are at their best." ~ H is for Hoosier: An Indiana Alphabet*I'm skipping ahead to the state that the kids all...
"T stands for Tar Heel,a title that we're all proud of.Our flag, our ancestors, "good people," we honor the history we love."~ T is for Tar Heel: A North Carolina AlphabetI'm still working on catching up with the kids State-by-State study. At this point, as...
"E is for Empire State and the marvelous Erie Canal. Opened in 1825, this waterway carried the lumber and goods that helped our state to thrive."~ E is for Empire: A New York AlphabetIt has been quite some time since the boys completed these scrapbook...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.