Yesterday morning we attended the funeral of a kind older man from church, Mr. Ralph Denman. My boys both loved Mr. Denman, and have been serving Mass and Benediction with him on Friday's since they were 5 years old. He was an excellent role model to my boys, and will...

Garden of the Good Shepherd ~ Week 6
I sort of dropped the ball last week, with our activities to go along with The Garden of the Good Shepherd: A Sticker Calendar to Count the Fifty Days of Easter, since we were so busy and I was not feeling my best... My children are still just as motivated though, so...

♥ Happy Tears ♥
I guess I was bound to cry at today's ultrasound, and sure enough, as soon as I heard our little one's heart beating, as perfect as can be, the tears started falling! Happy, joyful, THANKFUL tears!!! I knew I was a little bit worried, but I didn't realize just how...

“Hoopin’ for Hope”
Last Saturday afternoon, the girls and I hurried home from our tea party to change clothes and head right back out the door with the rest of the family to attend a Basketball Game. Not just any game -- the Harlem Comedy All-Stars were in town and they are SO...

My little Stinker Snuggles!

In Honor of Our Lady of Fatima
We had a fun afternoon yesterday, celebrating the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. First we watched The Day the Sun Danced: The True Story Of Fatima while I baked some mini Dancing Sun Cupcakes. After that I read my children the story of Our Lady of Fatima by...

She Loves It, She Loves It Not
I saw this game idea in my last issue of FamilyFun and thought it would be such a great game for out tea party. We played it in between the girls looking at the tea tray and writing down what they remembered.A bouquet of flowers can do more than brighten a room: used...

The Tea Tray Memory Game
Preparation:Find a selection of interesting small objects and arrange them on a tray, which you should keep covered with a tea-towel until you are ready to play the game. Vary the number of objects according to the ages of your girls. Give each child a pencil and...

Setting the Table for Tea
In between each course of our tea, while the servers refilled the trays, we had a game (or two) for the girls. The first game we played was loaned to us by the older Little Flowers' group, and was very fun!The object of the game was to see, while blindfolded, who...

Our Little Flowers’ Tea Party ~ The Menu
Of course my favorite part of our Little Flowers' Tea Party was all the delicious food!! I seemed to be given a little reprieve from my awful nauseousness and was thrilled to actually be able to eat and enjoy all the goodies!!Since Marci was busy enough planning the...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.