Celebrating Our Lady’s Birthday {and a 2000th Post Giveaway!}

by | Sep 11, 2012 | Giveaway, Marian, Why Blog? | 257 comments

Before I move on to sharing some pictures from Our Little Flowers Mother-Daughter Tea Party, I thought I’d post a few pictures from our family celebration in honor of the Blessed Mother’s birthday this past Saturday.

Originally I had intended to serve the birthday cake during our tea, but we ended up with so many delicious foods and desserts that everyone just couldn’t eat one more thing and I decided to save it for my kids.  The boys and our little Rose were especially excited to not be left out of all the fun!

After dinner we added a few candles to the cake and sang Happy Birthday to Mary!

Speaking of celebrating, I also just noticed that this is my 2000th post!  Isn’t that crazy?  I remember getting excited when I made it to 100!  I started this little blog just over 5 years ago, right before Snuggles was born.  At that time I had no idea how much this little space would bless our family with friendships, prayers, support, and (most unexpectedly) even financially (thank you to all of you that purchase through my affiliate links).  Blogging has helped keep me sane and is actual proof that I really do get things done around here, despite what it feels like most of the time! 😉   God sure does provide for all of our needs!

Taking a look at the Shower of Roses stats I am so amazed that there are 1230 of you currently following though feeds and the blog is quickly approaching 1,000,000 unique visits with over 2,000,000 page views since 2007!

With the feast of St. Therese coming up at the beginning of next month, I thought this would be the perfect time to host another giveaway!  I’ve put together a St. Therese Gift Package  (*basket not included) for one of my visitors.  The package will include:

To be entered, just leave a comment on this post by September 18th!
(Be sure to include your email address if it isn’t already linked on your profile.)

Update:  For those of you that are not seeing your comments, all you need to do is click the “Load More…” link at the end of the first page of comments.   I, too, had a hard time figuring out where they were disappearing to, but apparently Blogger has a limit on how many comments will show on the first page.  This was the first time you all have ever even come close to exceeding that limit!

Thank you to all of my visitors for your comments and for making blogging such a joy!  


  1. Anonymous

    Thank you Jessica and congrats on the 2000 posts. Wow. I am entering for my 17 year old who is very devoted to St. Therese. God bless you and all your treasures.

  2. Jessica Gordon

    Be sure to leave your name, or at least an email address, so I know who to contact in case you win! 🙂 Thanks and God bless you too!

  3. Lindsay

    Hi Jessica– I LOVE your blog!! Thank you for sharing so much of your family with so many of us!!


  4. Olga

    I love your blog and have been reading it for a while. St Therese is one of my favorite saints.


  5. JennB

    I've been following your blog for some time now, as it was an inspiration when I was a co-leader with Little Flowers… I rarely ever post a comment, but I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful inspiration you are, as a Catholic momma following God's plan to be fruitful in marriage. You have a lovely family! If I only had half the energy you have to be crafty and celebrate the feast days with special meals… you rock!

  6. Sara

    That is such a pretty cake pan; I need to order one! And then find a paleo cake to bake in it. 😉

  7. Heather

    Thank you for your beautiful blog. You have helped me immensely as I lead my first year of Little Flowers! Congratulations on your 2000th post!

  8. Michele Chronister

    Oh! I'd love to win! My husband and I got engaged on the feast of St. Therese because we love her so much and we even named our daughter (who has on October birthday) after her.

    I love your blog! Congrats on the milestone!

    msagala1 at gmail dot com

  9. KC

    I love your blog and am continually amazed by you! Thank you so much for sharing this peek into your family life. I need to remember to use your Amazon links more often… I buy off there all the time and am glad to support you in thanksgiving for all that you share with us! Blessings! Kelly C

  10. Nope

    Hi, can I enter:))

  11. Gnomie

    Love the blog! I am entering for my daughter! The site gives me great ideas for feast days & celebrations. Thanks! 🙂

  12. Jessica Gordon

    Yes, you sure can! 🙂 I'm looking forward to trying out your daughter's soap! They sound wonderful!

  13. Hope

    I love your blog and congrats on your 2000th post! Love the pics by candlelight.

  14. Ali

    Great idea. Congratulations

  15. Anonymous

    Congrats on your 2000 posts!! Love your blog! Tami C. [email protected]

  16. Laura Orlando

    I absolutely love your blog. It has been very inspirational to me. Laura Orlando, [email protected]

  17. Cristina

    Congratulations, Jessica! I have been checking in daily for years here and at Catholic Cuisine, and our family has been greatly blessed by your work, creativity and enthusiasm. Thank you so much! From Cristina in Miami, FL [email protected]

  18. Maggie

    I am so glad I happened upon your blog earlier this year…it was the ball that got me rolling on bringing my family more in the know of our faith…

  19. Life is beautiful


    I can't thank you enough for all the inspiration and ideas that you have given me through your homeschooling and daily life!! It has truly been a blessing! St. Therese is my confirmation Saint which is probably why I was drawn to your blog in the first place:)
    God Bless
    [email protected]

  20. Sleen


  21. Teri

    Congrats!! You have so many lovely ideas I have used with my own girls!
    Would love to win this for them as we've chosen St. Therese as the namesake for our homeschool!
    teriannm AT gmail DOT com

  22. Joy Beyond the Cross

    Congratulations on your 2000th post! I have been reading since Snuggles was a baby and I remember praying for you during my daily divine mercy chaplet when you were pregnant with Rose. I have received a LOT of inspiration and ideas for better living out our vocations as wife and mother from your blog. Thank you!

  23. Donna Marie

    Just looking at your wonderful pictures made me feel loved today. It was a very trying day but full of grace and all of the roses reminded me to keep my heart on the beautiful. Thank you for sharing this blog with us. You help me press on. I REALLY need that! CONGRATULATIONS!! {{{hugs}}}

  24. Karen

    Congratulations on your 2000th post! I love your blog. I get so many wonderful ideas from reading your blog.

  25. imcatholic

    I love reading your blog!

  26. Anonymous

    Wonderful as always! God had given you a wonderful gift and your willingness to share those gifts is a testament of your charity! Thank you and God Bless you on the next 2000 posts!
    [email protected]

  27. Krista

    What a lovely cake and birthday celebration for Mary! My daughter shares her birthday with Mary and it sure makes for a most special day – we said a "Hail Mary" in her honor! St. Therese is also a favorite of ours, too!

  28. Jennie

    Oh wow, I'd love to win. I love your blog and find such inspiration from it. God bless!

  29. Julie

    You are such a great inspiration! My goal this school year is to get ideas from your blog. Thank you for all you do. God Bless!!!

  30. katydid

    I'm really enjoying your blog. In fact, I borrowed your idea for the baby shower of roses. Can't wait to celebrate with St. Therese! Thank you.
    [email protected]

  31. Anonymous

    Your blog has helped me with a lot of fun Sunday School projects. You are truly a blessing to me. I check this blog daily to make sure I never miss a thing. You are an inspiration to many.

    [email protected]

  32. Sue

    Your blog has been a huge blessing to me – thank you for sharing your wonderful, creative ideas and recipes!

    I would love to be entered in the give away, but I totally understand if you'd rather not ship overseas…

  33. Anonymous

    Your blog has been such a blessing to our family as we have begun our homeschool journey. Thank you for sharing your life with us! Blessings, Gina

  34. Anne

    I've only recently started following as we have just begun our own kindergarten homeschooling journey and your blog is so full of so many wonderful ideas. I especially appreciate the ideas about living the liturgical year!!! Your posts are inspiring! Thank you. That basket looks lovely!

  35. Anonymous

    Thank you for all the wonderful ideas you graciously share with us. Your posts have been an inspiration and a resource for our homeschooling journey.
    God bless you and your lovely family!
    [email protected]

  36. Amy

    What a beautiful giveaway!

  37. Megan

    Congrats! You have been such an inspiration to our family. Thank you for keeping this blog it has been such a blessing to our family.

  38. Lisa Crookston

    I love your blog. I have gotten so many wonderful ideas to celebrate the Liturgical year and many book titles.
    God Bless your beautiful family.

  39. Sugar Pie

    Hello Jessica,
    Congratulations on your 2000th post.
    You have inspired & helped so many.
    May God continue to bless you & your family & I give thanks for God blessing us with you & your blog.
    Take care,
    robynvella at harboursat dot com dot au
    (I'm happy to pay the postage to Australia if I win 🙂 )

  40. Mary @ Cheerios

    Please enter me to win 🙂 Thank you soooo much!!
    God bless, mary @ Cheerios

  41. Karla in MN

    Congratulations on such a succesful blog, and please enter me for the giveaway. We LOVE Saint Therese!

  42. Celeste

    This would be wonderful for my oldest daughter, whose birthday is coming up and who shares her middle name with dear St. Therese. Thanks for the opportunity!

  43. Mom2Seven

    Jessica, your blog was one of the first that I started following! I am older and have more years of homeschooling under my belt, but I have gotten so many wonderful ideas from you! Things I would have never thought to do! Of course, I would love to be entered for the giveaway. Peace

  44. Anonymous

    Congratulations on such a beutiful and inspiring blog!! What a beautiful giveaway, too!!
    [email protected]

  45. Unknown

    Thank you for all your sharing-you are such an inspiration to all of us. I have been homeschooling for 17 years and still find new ideas on your blog. God Bless!

  46. Colleen

    Congrats on your 2000th post! I love your blog and have gotten so many inspirations from it…thank you!!! Colleen

  47. Nicole Bradica

    What a sweet idea! Thank you for all you share and your support to other moms:)

  48. Jessica

    Thank you for such a lovely blog….my family and I have so enjoyed reading it, and are so inspired by all you do! God Bless you all!

  49. Megan

    Your blog is one of my favorites. This is a great giveaway!

  50. MaryAnne Walsh

    Love you blog and our St. Patrick connection :)… [email protected]

  51. Craftysoprano

    I absolutely love your blog!!! I don't know how you do it all (obviously the Grace of God!) but you do so beautifully!!! This is a beautiful giveaway – it would make awesome presents!! Please enter me!

  52. Elena Stahl

    Congratulations on your 2000th! As I've expressed before, you are an inspiration and blessing to many.

    One of my granddaughters(9) was baptized at 7 years old and received her communion the same year. The other granddaughter is 6 and not yet baptized. I share our Catholic traditions with them the best I can.

    I recently shared St. Theresa's story with the older one. After hearing it, her eyes grew very large, and she said, "Really?" "Cool."

    She'll be with me this weekend, and I'll be sharing your wonderful blog with her!
    [email protected]

  53. Nadja

    Oh, how I love that beautiful Madonna statue of yours!
    Congratulations on your 5 years and awesome stats. Your blog has always been one I go to for ideas.
    I am entering on my daughter's behalf; Therese is her confirmation name and the saint to whom she turns for every need.
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  54. Anonymous

    What a great giveaway. I am always amazed at all you are able to to pulloff with so many children. I have seven and am thankful if I can get the basics down.
    [email protected]

  55. Sarah

    Congrats Jessica on your 2000th post!! Wow! I know I rarely get the chance to comment any more, but I still love your blog and your posts just as much as when I furst stumbled upon you and read here. May your blog continue to bless those that click and comment 🙂

  56. Cindy in NH

    Thank you for sharing all of your ideas and inspirations. We love your blog!

  57. Kathleen

    Such a beautiful celebration – I adore that image of Mary! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

  58. Kelly

    I love your blog, Jessica! It has been such a blessing to me and my family. We're on our second journey down the Alphabet Path and I've used many of your ideas, the boys love it. I would love to win the giveaway. [email protected]

  59. Jennifer Elia

    You still amaze me, Jessica! We have to do this birthday party for Mary next year. I actually logged on to show my husband your Settler's of Catan party. We happened to see the game in a catalog and I mentioned your cake. He said that your son has the coolest Mommy ever. I second the motion, you are a great Mommy and metor. God bless!

    PS: I hope I win–LOL!

  60. Ashley Sue

    I adore your blog! Your blog has helped me transition into my vocation as a homeschooling stay at home mom. Thank you! God bless.

    woleben at hotmail.com

  61. Anonymous

    Thanks for all your great ideas! Congrats!
    Susan Poe
    [email protected]

  62. Unknown

    Congratulations Jessica!!! Praise God for your creativity and the time yuo take to share what you do with us!!
    I would love to participate in your giveaway!!

    [email protected]

  63. Anonymous

    Thank you for your inspiration. We just had our 6th baby two weeks ago. Our oldest just turned 9 almost a month ago. It is so encouraging to have a blog that is so helpful with our home school journeys. God Blesss you!
    [email protected]

  64. Anne McD

    Congratulaions on 2000 posts! Thank you for allowing us to have a peek in on your daily life and for sharing so many great ideas with us! 🙂

  65. Anonymous

    Thanks for such great Catholic ideas! I had been wanting a Catholic apron for a while now, but just haven't gotten around to ordering one:)
    God Bless,
    [email protected]

  66. Julie

    I love reading your blog. You always have great ideas for celebrating the liturgical year. Thanks so much for generously sharing with us!
    [email protected]

  67. Anonymous

    Congratulations Jessica! I love reading your blog and being inspired to celebrate the liturgical year with all of your wonderful ideas! I don't know how you do it! God bless your beautiful family.
    [email protected]

  68. Julie

    Our family has been so blessed by the many ideas I have gleaned from your blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to share them with everyone!

  69. Jodi Reel

    I love your blog. You have kept me going many a time! Thank you for being so generous in sharing your ideas and files. May God bless you for all of the inspiration you give us!
    [email protected]

  70. Lisette

    Hi Jessica! Thank you for sharing your ideas and your love for Christ. May the Lord continue to bless you and guide you in all you do. -Lisette
    [email protected]

  71. Nicole

    What a sweet giveaway, and look at all these responses! Your blog certainly has blessed many, my family included. Thank you for sharing your ideas and a piece of your life. ~Nicole ([email protected])

  72. Angie

    You really have blessed our life abundantly and helped all of us grow in our love for celebrating the Liturgical year in fun and creative ways! God Bless You!

  73. Sarah

    Congratulations, Jessica, on your 2,000th post! WOW!! Thanks for the chance to win the lovely St. Therese basket, too! God bless you and your family!

  74. Anonymous

    You are the best,Jessica! You don't know how much you have inspired our family and caused our family to stay on the right path!! By your good examples!
    May God bless you abundantly!! Even if we do not "win" the giveway, we love your Blog!
    Blessings, Kathleen
    [email protected]

  75. Anonymous

    Your blog is wonderful and has helped me in my homeschooling journey. Thank you for sharing the talents God has given you with others. Many blessings,

  76. AmyJ

    Congrats on your beautiful blog. The feast of St Therese is big around here…we belong to St. Teresa's parish. Hoping to win the prize – thanks!

  77. Anonymous

    Thank you for doing this. I am been following your blog for a couple years now and you are an inspiration. I come away uplifted everytime I read it. We have a special devotion to St. Therese due to infertility and we named our little girl after her. We are also starting another Novena to St. Therese for hopefully another blessing so the timing is amazing..maybe a sign??:) Thank you again and God Bless you and your family!!~Jean

    [email protected]

  78. Anonymous

    Congratulations! I have truly enjoyed your blog. I have received such wonderful inspiration and am always amazed at how much you manage to do. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity, but most of all thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us.


    [email protected]

  79. Jessica

    Love your blog! Thanks for the giveaway! St. Therese is my confirmation saint and has helped me in many ways.
    catholichusker at gmail dot com

  80. Amanda

    Oh, I'd love to win!

  81. Anonymous

    Congratulations!!! Jessica thank you for all your amazing ideas! I have been following you for a few years now and this year have been inspired to start a Little Flowers group for my girls and our home school group! Thank you for all you do!

    Many blessings,

    Jennifer [email protected]

  82. JenniferM

    Thanks for hosting a giveaway, Jessica! I love your blog! Congrats on 2,000 posts!

  83. Mary

    Jessica! I am amazed at how much you get done.

    Congratulations on 2000 posts and we're happy to say that we share your devotion to St. Therese – what an awesome patroness for your site!

    God bless!

  84. Anonymous

    Congratulations on your milestone! God reward you! My daughters birthday is on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. We have learned to love the Carmelites.

  85. elm

    Congrats on sticking with your blog even when it feels like too much! While I don't make time to comment or send emails regularly… I like to hop online and see what you are all up to!! (I know I could take a lesson in keeping up!!) 🙂 Miss you!

  86. Unknown

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Unknown

    Congrats on the BIG 2000…. I love to read your blog. St. Therese of Lisieux is my favorite Saint. That is what drew me to your blog. I would love to win this giveaway. I subscribe to littleflower.org & support the carmelites, Fr. Bob who runs the site sends out daily devotionals that I get in my email that were written by St. Therese when she was alive. I post them on my blog everyday under the "MY Faith" tab. I haven't figured out the html to run a drop down navigational bar yet, so every time I post under "My Faith" I basically post it as a running update. That's ok though, I still post her words of encouragement, faith and love of our heavanly father every day. Please check them out if you ever get a free moment. (happyhomeschoolroom.blogspot.com). Once again, Congrats, and thank you for sharing your love of religion and St. Therese with all of us.
    God Bless,
    Kimmie Rose <3

  88. Unknown

    In review I had some errors I needed to correct with my post, in order to do so I had to delete and repost. My apologies.

  89. Jacqui

    Congratulations on the 2000 post!! You're such a blessing to us all, I thank God for your friendship and encouragement!
    You're going to have to share with me the Amazon links you mentioned, I shop there all the time, I'd LOVE to contribute 😉
    Thanks for sharing the goodies!

  90. Unknown

    I regulary read your blog, so inspiring for me!!!!
    Thank you so much
    Be and your whole blessed.
    Sandra a reader from France

  91. Anonymous

    Oh a giveaway how fun! I would love to win, and I wish you another 2000 posts.

  92. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica – what a terrific cook and I love your statue! If I won I'd keep it till next year and have it as a raffle on her feast day. Can't do it this year because we are in Australia and it wouldn't get here in time. I have however shown/given staff LOTS of your ideas for this year's celebration. I love your creativity!
    [email protected]

  93. Donna

    I enjoy following your blog.


  94. Sarah

    Hi Jessica, I have been reading your blog for about a year and a half now. You are such an inspiration. I only hope that once my kids are older I can incorporate some of the wonderful things you do into our lives. My email is [email protected] – I would love to win the giveaway! Thanks!


  95. jennifer

    What a beautiful idea to celebrate all St. Therese does for us. We are an apron family, so another is always welcome.
    God Bless!

    [email protected]

  96. Pamela

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Pamela

    2000 posts is just awsome!! What a blessing your blog has been to our family, I know I tell you that a lot but it is so true:) My email is [email protected] could you please enter me:)

    Oh, and all the books I bought during the book sale are just perfect thank you again!

  98. Casey

    Congratulations on 2000 posts! Your blog has been my little piece of quiet in a hectic day and my own children love to see other families celebrating our faith.

    Thank you for offering such a great giveaway. My email is [email protected]

  99. P

    Congratulations on your beautiful blog! I come here everyday and you inspire me with ideas, with your joy and with your organization.
    I don't know if I can participate to win the basket, for I am in Brazil. In any case, here goes my email:
    jivepat2011 at yahoo.com.br (without the spaces)

    Lots of love,
    in Christ,
    Patricia Medina

  100. Monique G.

    Your blog is filled with so much inspiration. Thank your for sharing your wonderful ideas.

  101. mamajuliana

    Congratulations on your milestone post-mark! I am on your feed and I always look forward to your posts. We homeschooled out children for 11 years and now they are grown-one in college and the other in the work world. Your blog reminds me how I enjoyed and miss those homeschool days! I also use many of your ideas and recipes! my email is orthodoxmom(at)gmail.com

  102. Anonymous

    Jessica, Your blog is a favorite of mine. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas! You do inspire!
    God bless,
    email: mandmhand(at)yahoo.com

  103. Anonymous

    I am grateful for your blog. I visit it very often and love all the wonderful ideas. Your pictures are beautiful, wondering what kind of camera you use and if you've always been good at photography or if that is something you've been able to learn. I'm horrible at taking pictures but my husband just got me a new camera in hopes that it might help me. Your blog gives me hope about so many things. Thank you so much.
    [email protected]

  104. Anonymous

    I enjoy reading your blog often. I am always inspired to live for God. I am starting homeschooling this year. Your blogs about that have been a real help.
    The pictures are always fun to see. Such a beautiful sight. God bless your family. Ann [email protected]

  105. Pop

    I'd love to win the basket but you need to know that your blog is a present I unwrap daily. I love it! You are inspiring and your family is beautiful. Holly

  106. Anonymous

    What a lovely way to say "thank you" to your readers!!!

    White Oak, PA

  107. Natalie G.

    I want to be entered. I just love reading your blog!

  108. Anonymous

    I have been "secretly" reading your blog for several years now. My four children fall in age right along with your beautiful babies. 🙂 This blog and your family have inspired me and aided in my growth as a Catholic Momma, teacher, and woman. Thank you for sharing!
    Tampa, FL

  109. Anonymous

    Congratulations on your blogging success! I love reading it. You have inspired me in so many ways, always giving me great ideas to share with my family. You have truly inspired us to grow in a Catholic home. Thank you for everything you do and thank you for the drawing. Adrienne [email protected]

  110. Anonymous

    Your blog has given me so many wonderful ideas to share with my own family. Thank you for all your good work! St. Therese is very special to me – thank you for this opportunity.
    [email protected]

  111. Kelly B

    Congratulations and thank you…for not only the contest, but for your blog! As so many have already mentioned in so many ways, it is a blessing and gift to read your blog with each and every entry!

  112. Andrea B

    You have such an inspirational blog and a beautiful family. Thank you for your time.

  113. Patty V.

    A huge congratulations to you! Your blog is the first thing that comes up when my computer gets turned on in the morning. I always look forward to the things you and your beautiful family do! May God keep blessing you always!
    St. Therese – Pray for us!

    Patty – [email protected]

  114. Anonymous

    Congratulations!! Thanks for blogging. You inspire me, another Catholic homeschool mom.
    God's blessings,
    Cheri in MN

  115. Unknown

    CONGRATULATIONS!! You are an inspiration to many of us. May God continue to bless you and your family. St. Therese ora pro nobis

  116. Karen

    Congrats on 2000 posts! I have a niece named in honor of Therese of Liseux, and recently read The Story of a Soul for the first time. What a beautiful package you put together!

    [email protected]

  117. Grace Hincapie

    Congrats on 2000! Lovely giveaway!


  118. Amy

    Your blog has been such a lifeline in so many different ways.
    God bless you and your family and congrats on your 2000th post…
    [email protected]

  119. Christina

    Thank you so much for your blog! It has blessed our family in so many ways! My mother and sisters and I are always talking about things we've seen on your blog and I get so many great ideas for my little family from here as well! Thank you!
    maneys at verizon dot net

  120. Jennifer Gregory Miller

    2000 posts? Impressive. I'm only a little over 500. We should be giving you a gift to thank you for all your inspiration!

  121. Anonymous

    So Sweet Jessica! Thank You for sharing your talents and blessings with us! Kelly F
    [email protected]

  122. Maureen

    Thank you Jessica for sharing your life with us. I look forward to viewing your blog everyday and always come away inspired to be a better wife and mom. You share a lot about your Catholic faith but could you please share more about why you beleive what you do. Blessings to you and your family!!!Maureen

  123. Anonymous

    Jessica, I've always enjoyed your blog and esp the liturgical cooking! I wish you'd email my hubby an give him a hint I'd love a liturgical cooking book!, LOL.. thanks for all the sharing! Can't believe how big every one is getting. Still would love to live close… our kids are so close in ages!

  124. yvonne

    2000, wow!!!! As always, your blog is a great place in inspiration. Following the 50 State study right now….hoping to make it past 10 states which is the spot a certain Mommy gets off track. 🙂

  125. Mindy

    I have truly enjoyed following your blog and you have inspired my to celebrate more of the saints and Holy days.

  126. Mimi P

    Thank you Jessica for all that you share with us. It has been a true blessing to check your blog everyday and see all the wonderful things you do to make the Catholic Faith a part of your everyday. Congrats on the 2000th post!

  127. Christine

    I so enjoy your blog, Jessica. It has inspired me to be more in tune w/ the saints and liturgical season and how important it is to CELEBRATE them! My kids just love when they get their "Patron Saint Pencils" on the first day of school or when I cook something special for a feast day. Thank you! We love St. Therese in our house and attribute our son's healing of epilepsy to her intercession. My youngest daughter is named after her! [email protected].

  128. Sherry O'D

    Congrats on your beautiful blog. Thanks for sharing all of your lovely ideas with us. Can't wait for the feast of St.Therese!
    [email protected]

  129. The Cichy's

    Whoa, you have a lot of friends! Congrats on 2000 posts! I've enjoyed reading your blog over the years and get many great ideas for homeschooling and living the liturgical year in our home. Thanks for all you do to build up the Kingdom of Heaven!

    [email protected]

  130. Anonymous

    Dear Jessica, thank you so much for sharing your blog with us and congratulations on your posting milestone! This is a beautiful giveaway, and your blog is truly a blessing. Thank you and God bless!

    Julie jayandjay22 @ hotmail.com

  131. stampin


    You have been a great source of inspiration to me as Mother, Wife and Homeschool Mom. You also have saved me a lot of time with your beautiful, wonderful and creative ideas. But most of all, I have learned so much about our faith since following your blog in the past 3 years. I have read many of the books you have shared and started many of the traditions your family celebrates. And there is still so much I wish I had the time to do. You are great at what you do. May God Bless you and your family with much health and more joyful times. Thank you for all you have shared!
    [email protected]

  132. Anonymous

    Finding your blog has been such a blessing for me as I've started to educated my own little daughters at home. I am so encouraged when I come to your little space on the internet, and I have found countless good ideas. Thank you!

    [email protected]

  133. Sarah H

    I love your blog! It has been a blessing in homeschooling and bringing Catholic traditions into our home. Thank you!

  134. Sarah H

    sarahjoheim at hotmail dot com

  135. Anonymous

    Thank you for sharing your blog with others. It is an inspiration for us Catholic homeschoolers.
    [email protected]

  136. Anonymous

    Wow, 2000 posts. I must have started reading your blog shortly after you had Snuggles. I am so blessed to have found your blog. You continue to inspire me and I always look forward to reading. God Bless Kara ([email protected])

  137. Rebecca C.

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. Maggie, ofs

    Thank you Jessica for being such and inspiration to this mother of eleven. Blessings,
    Maggie, OFS
    holinessisforeveryone at gmail dot com

  139. Lisa H.

    I have been following your blog for a few years now. Blogs like yours have been such a blessing to homeschoolers. It is wonderful to seeing how other moms are fulfilling their vocations and growing such beautiful fruit. Thank you! [email protected]

  140. Lindsay

    Wow, 2000 posts?!?! I haven't known about your blog long enough to have read them all, but IF I had the time I'd go back through and read them ALL!! 😉 Thank you for sharing all your lovely ideas! God Bless you and your family!


  141. Brooke

    Congratulations on your blogging success! You are such a wonderful inspiration to me, and obviously so many others! Prayers for your continued ministry to so many. God bless!
    [email protected]

  142. Katie

    You have a very inspiring blog and you get a ton done! And oh, how sweet is that little plaque! Blessings! k.schwede(at)cox.net

  143. Janice Nelson

    Love your blog! janiceandbob (at) hotmail.com

  144. Gwen Marbach

    Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you. Your blog is so much fun!

  145. Jodi

    Your blog has blessed my family as well! Thanks for all you do! The St. Therese package you put together looks lovely. Most of those items would make a great gift for my daughter, who turns 9 on the Feast of the Guardian Angels. (And I always think of you and your hubby on that day, and say a prayer for you two!) My daughter's middle name is Rose and she loves St. Therese. I think it's neat that she was born on the day between St. Therese's new and traditional feast days! Please enter me. Thanks and God bless you and your family! shaffer834(at)netzero(dot)com

  146. KellyJ

    Congratulations! You have been so kind and generous in sharing with us in your blogs. Thank you, Jessica.

  147. Anonymous

    I think I have tried 3 times to enter, but something keeps happening… maybe it is bumping me so I can win!

    Congratulations on your 2000th post!! Amazing! You know my email… 🙂

  148. Anonymous

    Wow! What a great giveaway! Congratulations on 2000 posts. That's quite an accomplishment, each post being so nice and helpful. Here's to 2000 more!!
    [email protected]

  149. Anonymous

    Hi Jessica!

    My birthday is September 18th and this would be such a fun gift to receive for it!

    Thank you for all the inspiration and encouragement over the years!

    [email protected]

  150. Missionaries of Joy

    My daughter (12 years old) adores St. Therese and was so excited to see your giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity and for the 2000 posts;)

    [email protected]

  151. Anonymous

    Your blog is such a spiritual, homeschool and family inspiration to me. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas and for just being yourself. You are living the "little way!" God bless you!

    [email protected]

  152. Kelly

    Wow! Congratulations, Jessica! You are forever and always an inspiration to me. Thank *you* for being such a blessing to me and SO MANY others.

    What a lovely giveaway. Thank you for offering it. 🙂

  153. Bamboo

    Thank you for the giveaway and especially for sharing such wonderful ideas (and beautiful photos) on your blog.

  154. Cary Taylor

    Thank you for taking the time to help inspire us moms. I'm always encouraged by your example. Keep praying for the Latin Mass.
    In Christ,


  155. Karra

    Congrats on 2000 posts! Your blog is such a blessing. I thoroughly enjoy the time I spend reading here and the inspiration is priceless. Thanks for offering this giveaway, what a lovely gift!

  156. Shauna

    I love your blog Jessica! It has helped me with ideas so many times over the years. God Bless and congratulations 🙂

  157. Jen

    Your blog has been such a blessing many times! Thanks for sharing so much with us! God bless you!

  158. Cindy


    Your blog is so beautiful. I'm always so empressed by the way you celebrate the feasts. I don't know how you do all that you do and so well too.

    God bless,
    [email protected]

  159. Erin

    St Therese is my Confirmation Saint:) but understand if you aren't posting O/S.
    2000 posts, Wow!

  160. Unknown

    I love this blog!~ Whenever I'm feeling discouraged or blue about the world, I look at your blog and your wonderful Catholic family and feel that surely God still cares about us all! You remind me to be grateful and happy for those simple moments in life. [email protected]

  161. mel

    Congratulations! I started reading three years ago,,,found you through the alphabet path links back then. Always love reading about your family!

  162. Maxine

    I don't comment much but I've really enjoyed reading your blog this past year. I am so greatful how generous you are in sharing your ideas and activities. You have a beautiful family! maxinepatricia @ yahoo dot com

  163. Erin

    wow, 2000 posts – amazing!!!

  164. Anonymous

    Jessica, since I have started reading your blog, it has been a big blessing to my family. Thank you for sharing all that you do as it inspires so many to grow closer in their own faith journey! I'm so glad you see the blessings that come to you for writing and sharing with us! <3 ~Charity
    ([email protected])

  165. Anonymous

    Happy 2000th post! What an accomplishment! We have been very blessed by this blog and my children enjoy looking at it as much as I do.

    God bless,
    Kristen in TN

  166. Anonymous

    Happy 2000th post that is so amazing!You have such a lovely family. God bless, jackie [email protected]

  167. MamaMunchy

    Thanks for all you do! I love sending new homeschooling moms to your site as a wonderful resource. God bless you and yours!

  168. Anonymous

    You and your family are beautiful and very inspiring! I love your ideas and how you live the faith! Keep up the good work!
    [email protected]

  169. Anonymous

    God bless you and your wonderful family. Your blog is such an inspiration to me. Thank you.
    [email protected]

  170. Lena

    2000 posts don't compare to the numerous moms that you have inspired to live a more faithfilled life. Deo gratias!

  171. Anonymous

    Your blog is so wonderful and inspiring and filled with the JOY we all need in our domestic churches! God bless you for being such a generous soul and sharing your customs and traditions. Many prayers for you and your lovely family,
    [email protected]

  172. Anonymous

    May God bless you with special graces for the effort you make to inspire families all over the world with your creative ways to celebrate the faith. Thank you for all the time and energy you devote to sharing with us the fun family times you create.

  173. Lymari

    I would love to win! My birthday is September 23rd, and I very devoted to St. Therese. I even met my husband through her intercession! My email address is: [email protected]

  174. Anonymous

    Your celebrations are always so inspiring! I would love to win the St. Therese giveaway for our oldest grandchild who has a deep devotion to St. Therese. [email protected]

  175. Geowne

    Thank you for your inspirational postings. We often feel as if we get to celebrate right along with you! Do you ever sleep???

  176. Anonymous

    Congratulations! I really love your blog and all of your beautiful pictures of your chiildren!
    email: jenanne7722(at)yahoo(dot)com

  177. Leslie Cooper

    Great blog, great giveaway! Peace and blessings! 🙂

  178. Beth F

    Wow, awesome, what a great giveaway!


    catholicmumma at gmail dot com

  179. Renee

    Jessica, where oh where did you get that lovely statue of Our Lady? I've never seen one like that before, just love it! Really enjoyed your tea party photos, great job mama.

  180. Anonymous

    Congratulations! Love all your creative recipes and ideas to celebrate 🙂

    kelli dot hlavacek at yahoo dot com

  181. Racquel

    I'm a homeschooling mom from the Philippines and I enjoy your blog, although I have yet to try doing the recipes you post. Thank you for sharing what you do and for your generosity. I prayed to St. Therese when we were trying to decide whether to shift from traditional school to homeschool. We're now on our 6th year of homeschooling! 🙂

  182. Unknown

    Congratulations on the 2000th post! Your blog is truly an inspiration!

  183. Michelle

    What a beautiful giveaway Jessica! I have really enjoyed your blog!

  184. Anonymous

    I just recently discovered your blog. I love all your creative ideas on how to celebrate and to honor St. Therese. I'm planning to use some of your ideas this year when I celebrate her feast day. Since St. Therese is my patron saint, this will make her feast day just that much more memorable and special for me. Thank you for sharing your wonderful and creative ideas!

    [email protected]

  185. Connie Murphy

    Wow! That is amazing (2000th post)! Thanks for sharing the photos of Our Lady's birthday! You are touching people throughout the world! Amazing!!

  186. ladybug

    Lovely gift package! Please enter me…Thank you & God bless!

  187. Anonymous

    Hello there!

    I would absolutely love to win this giveaway as my mother in laws 60th birthday is coming up on October 10th and St Therese is her saint name. I think she would love this gift basket! My email is [email protected]

    Thank you 🙂
    Ashleen Solomon

  188. Anonymous

    You have a beautiful blog!! Congratulations on reaching 2000th post!
    My email is [email protected]

  189. Chip

    Congratulations!!! I love your blog. So many wonderful ideas.

  190. Sarah

    Wow, what a beautiful giveaway! I would love to win this to share the items with my daughter, whom I hope will be joining a local Little Flowers group that I just found out about! I'm very happy for you that your blog is growing; it's a wonderful ministry…. montee06 at ymail dot com

  191. Anonymous

    Wonderful, generous giveaway! One of my daughter's patron saints is St. Therese, so she'd enjoy this giveaway. God bless you with all of the wonderful ideas that you share to inspire so many and creatively live our Faith!
    rowena[underscore]apacible [at] hotmail [dot] com

  192. Mandy

    Congratulations! Wonderful! And such a lovely giveaway. I so enjoy your blog. Thank you! If my email is not linked, you can find me at : [email protected]

  193. Anonymous

    Congratulations!! You are an inspiration & I love your occupation!! Since the loss of my father-in-law who introduced me to St. Therese, my friend & I have started a Facebook page "The Living Rosary". We currently have 60 followers with people saying the rosary with us throughout the world & hopefully one day we can become as wonderful & as inspirational as you!! May St. Therese continue to shower you with roses & keep your blessed family close to her heart always. God Bless you…you already have my vote to sainthood! 🙂 [email protected]

  194. Amber Nicole

    Congrats, Jessica! Your family is beautiful!

  195. Silly Faces and Grace

    Congrats. Love your blog. My email address is huante dot nancy at gmail dot com

  196. Tammy

    Gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!

  197. Kyra Athena

    Congratulations on your 2000th post! I love your posts and relate to much to them. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas with us!

  198. Alicia

    Love your ideas and admire how you get so much done!
    God Bless,
    Alicia Filley

  199. Karen

    I found your blog through Catholic Cuisine on Facebook. My saint name is for St. Therese, and my oldest daughter's name is Rose because of that. I call her my little flower 🙂 She would love all the pretty rose items. [email protected].

  200. Roni7978

    Congratulations! I just found this blog, but happy to see devotion to our Blessed Mother.

  201. Anonymous

    Thanks for all of your great posts! You're such an inspiration! God bless!
    [email protected]

  202. Grandma Mary

    I love your blog. Your family is so sweet. We love celebrating the saints too. Your posts are inspiring. As a mom to 11, six now 'officially' adults, we still love getting together for feast Days! My fifth daughter is named after St. Therese, this would be an extra special feast day for her to win this basket. Thanks.

  203. Anonymous

    Thank you for your blog, it is such a blessing to our family! It has gotten me through a lot of hard days.


    [email protected]

  204. Doreen

    Lovely post! Thank you! God bless you and your dear family!

  205. Unknown

    Thank you for all you do! I just made the connection between Catholic Cuisine and your blog…both of which I love! I don't know how you do it all. Blessings to you and your family.

  206. Janet F

    Congrats and God Bless!

    I am part of the snack team at RCIA (Church Ladies in Training.) We often look her for ideas!

    In fact we just finished up with a "feast" for tonight's class. St. Robert Bellarmine!!! Italian all the way.

    Can't wait for the week we feature St. Therese. She's my gal!!!!

  207. Ling Becker

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  208. Ling Becker

    Great blog! My daughter will be confirmed this upcoming year and St. Therese is her confirmation saint!
    [email protected]

  209. Christine Donovan

    What a beautiful prize. I didn't realise you were a home educator,I've been one since 1994, but the last three weeks have been hideous as my two youngest children have been in school, for the first time in 22 years I've had no children in the house.It's been wierd and worrying, so enjoy every precious second. God bless x

  210. Anonymous

    LOVE your blog! Thanks and keep up the good work!
    [email protected]

  211. Anonymous

    LOVE your blog! Thanks and keep up the good work!
    [email protected]

  212. Katie

    Thank you for the chance to win! I'd love to have the notecards, especially–I'm trying to get in the habit of writing more letters, and pink roses are my favorite flower 🙂

  213. Mrs Miller

    Wow! What a beautiful blog! I am off to explore it :). Would love to win!

  214. Allison Hunt

    Im new to your blog! Looking forward to sharing these fun ideas with my family!

  215. Allison Hunt

    Im new to your blog! Looking forward to sharing these fun ideas with my family!

  216. Allison Hunt

    Im new to your blog! Looking forward to sharing these fun ideas with my family!

  217. Anonymous

    2000 posts – wow! May God bless and keep you!


    Judee in Iowa

  218. Anonymous

    Whoops! My e-mail is [email protected].


    Judee in Iowa

  219. Cristina

    Congrats on your 200th post! You blog has been a great resource to me.

  220. Susan McQuillen

    Jessica, how fantastic….2000 posts! I found your blog, about 2 1/2 years ago, after doing a search for my CCD class! How you have inspired so many of us and help to continue to teach all of us about our beautiful church and live it fully, everyday! I have found such beautiful things, to incorporate into our home, and for that, I thank you! Many Blessings to you and your family!
    Susan McQuillen
    [email protected]

  221. Jennifer F

    I love reading your blog. It is a great resource for me when I am trying to make the faith tangible for my children, or for their classmates. Thanks so much!

  222. maryannedelaney

    I just found this blog today. It is so beautiful. Congratulations on the 2000th post. May God continue to bless you for introducing so many people to our faith. Congratulations.
    [email protected]

  223. Diana

    Happy 2000th post. This is my first time visiting your website. It is beautiful and inspiring.

    [email protected]

  224. Anonymous

    This looks like a great gift for a dear friend. [email protected]

  225. Anonymous

    Trying to make a comment…. [email protected] Not seeing it post.

  226. Jessica Gordon

    It's here! I was having the same problem until I noticed the "Load More…" under the comment box. I've never had this many comments on a blog post before and apparently there are now too many to list on one page! 🙂

  227. Robbie @ Going Green Mama

    Congratulation on 2,000 posts! I love reading your family's journey in faith and truly would like to talk to you about Little flowers-I'm very curious.

  228. Anonymous

    Thanks for your inspiration! You help our family rejoice and learn more about our beautiful Cathoilc family. Blessings!

    [email protected]

  229. Susana L.

    Jessica, you have been inspiring me for years! You are the reason we now have Saint O' Lantern contests at our parish and the idea has really transformed the way many view All Hallows Eve and All Saints day! Thank you for all that you do from the bottom of my heart. May God Bless you and your beautiful family!
    Big hugs from Susana: montessoricandy at gmail.com

  230. Anonymous

    Love your blog and our St. Patrick connection 🙂
    [email protected]

  231. noreen

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. Congrats on your blog success!! Thank you for your generosity!


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

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