St. Olaf, St. Philomena, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Teresa of Calcutta, and St. Andrew the Apostle All Saints in Heaven, Pray for us! |
I took these pictures on our way to our parish’s Trunk-or-Treat and Carnival last Friday night and our children will be wearing them again this evening when we head out to my parents home for the evening. This is the first year in many years that I won’t be hosting our annual All Hallows’ Eve party… I’m really sad that I had to cancel it, but I’ve between working on my health and working so many extra hours, I just don’t have the energy this year. Our kids all understand and are very excited to go out to Grandpa and Grandma’s. I just got off the phone with my mom and she is busy in the kitchen making Soup, Chili, Spice Cake, Rice Krispies Treats, and even Caramel Apples! I’ll be bringing along a few games including Saints Bingo and some new All Saints Guessing Jars.
Other than ordering a new St. Teresa costume for our oldest daughter, following the canonization of Mother Teresa, we hadn’t put any thought or energy into this year’s costumes… Friday afternoon we finally pulled out our two costume boxes and threw together costumes before heading to the church. This is one of those years when I’ve been very grateful to have a nice collection to choose from!
.: St. Teresa of Calcutta :.
Twinkle Toes (age 13) dressed as St. Teresa of Calcutta
Costume: from Our Coats of Many Colors (Over the years we have built a well-loved collection of costumes from Our Coats of Many Colors.)This was a repeat of her 2010 Costume… She was so little back then!
The recently canonized St. Teresa of Calcutta won the prize for the best saint costume!
.: St. Philomena :.
Chiquita (age 11) dressed as St. Philomena
Costume: For her costume she used the same dress as last year, but turned it around so it was solid blue in the front. (You can find the Blue Renaissance Princess Costume in a size medium over at Amazon – it’s an amazing price right now… Only $12 and I paid over $30!) We tucked in the hood from a red cape that I had used for a costume years ago, for her to wear over the dress. She added our Adjustable Garland of Roses and then made an Anchor/Arrow/Lily using this tutorial.
.: St. Olaf :.
Snuggles (age 9) as St. Olaf
Costume: I had picked up this Viking Costume on a post-Halloween sale at Gymboree a couple years ago. It was too big on Snuggles, but we made it work. He tucked in the way-to-big pants into a pair of his older sister’s old boots and added his younger brother’s Shield and Sword. An ax would have more accurately represented the images of St. Olaf, but we were sticking what we had on hand.
.: St. Elizabeth of Hungary :.
Rose (age 6) as St. Elizabeth of Hungary
.: St. Andrew the Apostle :.
Bud (age 4) as St. Andrew
Costume: Tunic from one of my sibling’s childhood saint costumes, shoulder drape repurposed from St. Luke/St. Paul. Ranger and Twinkle Toes made him a X shaped Cross out of cardboard and Chiquita drew a couple fish and attached them to some yarn to finish his costume. He loved it!
Considering how little time we spent on the costumes, I thought they all came together beautifully!
Our high schoolers didn’t dress up, but they are wearing the “saintly” t-shirts that they received in their Easter Baskets earlier this year! Ranger (14) is wearing his St. Peter (and all the popes) t-Shirt and Captain (16) is wearing his St. Benedict t-shirt.
Happy All Hallows’ Eve and Feast of All Saints!
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.
They look so SAINTLY! Happy feast of All Saints to you and your family!
2016-10-31 18:54:47
Beautiful costumes. Any chance you could share where the t-shirts were purchased?
2016-10-31 19:42:15
Sweet kids! Enjoy your break from being the hostess this year.
2016-10-31 20:28:38
I look forward to this post every year! So many wonderful ideas! My oldest is dressing up as St. Sebastian (he's 12), my nine year old son is St. George, and we have a St. Elizabeth of Hungary as well! My daughter, Elizabeth, is happily dressing up as her this year. She's turning 4 tomorrow. And I'm sure you feel this more than I do, but it's bittersweet to see the oldest boys in less pictures simply because they are growing out of dressing up and crafting. :'( They all have to get older don't they? Why can't they stay little forever? God bless you all, and Happy All Hallows Eve!
2016-10-31 21:26:08
Incredible costumes, well done!
2016-10-31 21:38:39
Such innocence and purity! It's a joy to see costumes that lift the mind and heart to God and His dearest friends. Thank you for bringing light and goodness to an evening that is now typically dark and perverse. God bless you for your great inspirational faith.
2016-11-01 03:11:17
You guys are too creative!!! Love what you all came up with this year! I agree with Sonja C. – I miss more pictures of the older kids. I never think one is too old! 🙂 Adults miss out too much – but it's interesting to see how Halloween in the mainstream has become even more of an adult holiday now with dressing up, parties, etc. Happy All Saints!
2016-11-01 22:42:40
so cute all of them , but I really like saint philomena but all of them are so,so,so cute
2021-01-20 12:28:44