Saint Philomena Original Art Giveaway

by | Aug 11, 2024 | Giveaway, Picture Books, Reviews, St. Philomena | 32 comments

Happy Feast of Saint Philomena! I’m excited to celebrate by hosting a special giveaway in her honor. Last year, I reviewed the book My Name is Philomena: A Saint’s Story which was written and beautifully illustrated by Fr. Peregrine Fletcher. To make this feast day even more special, Fr. Peregrine has generously sent me one of his original illustrations to pass along to one of you!

If you haven’t ordered a copy of My Name is Philomena or Fr. Peregrine Fletcher’s other book, The Snail and the King (our review here), be sure to check them out. Each book tells an inspiring story and features captivating illustrations that make them perfect addition to your family’s collection.

My Name is Philomena is available directly from TAN Books or over at Amazon. You can find The Snail and the King over at Amazon here.

You can find additional books for August feast days here.

“And yet a bride I soon became,

What happy providence!

His lance which set me to the tomb

Released my soul to meet my groom,

My long awaited Prince.”


My Name is Philomena Original Art

by Fr. Peregrine Fletcher, O. Praem.

Image was rendered in colored pencil

Please enter the giveaway by leaving a comment on this post and claiming your entry through the Rafflecopter box below. If you have any issues please contact me and I can assist with getting you entered in the drawing. Domestic/US Shipping is included. International residents are welcome to enter but would be responsible for any additional shipping costs. Giveaway ends August 14, 2024 at 11:59PM PST and winner will be announced on August 15th, the feast of the Assumption!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

St. Philomena, pray for us!


  1. Sarah Fink


  2. Helena

    Looks like a wonderful book! St. Philomena, pray for us!

    • Diana Rawlings

      You always have such great book suggestions.
      Thank you ☺️

    • ANDREA

      Thank you for the opportunity. It looks beautiful!

    • Kelly

      Looks like a lovely book. Thank you!

  3. Mary Woodward

    The book is lovely and so is the artwork! Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. Maria

    Beautiful artwork!

    • Teresa

      Lovely, lovely art! Thank you for the opportunity.

  5. Cindy

    St. Philomena is a family favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Brigid Hadzima

    Oh so lovely!

    • Kristen Fussner

      What a lovely print! St. Philomena is one of our parish’s patron saints!

      • Kelly

        Looks like a lovely book. Thank you!

  7. Kristy

    Beautiful artwork!

  8. Laura G.

    Such a beautiful picture book! I would love to read it to my students in Religious Education through my Parish.

    • Emily

      Father Peregrine is a wonderful priest! This is a beautiful book, which shall hopefully inspire many vocations in young girls.

  9. Karen H

    Wow – amazing that the artwork is done with coloured pencil. Wonderfully vibrant work!

    • Maria

      A wonderful book and beautiful artwork!

  10. vanessa costa

    Beautiful illustrations! I’m always on the lookout for good saint books, thanks for the recommendation!

  11. Melodee

    Beautiful! Thank you. We are very grateful to St. Philomena for answered prayers.

  12. Dawn

    It looks like a beautiful book. I always love the books you recommend! Thank you for the give away and book suggestions. Enjoy the last days of summer. God bless you.

  13. Julie Kelkhoff

    Always love your book recommendations!

  14. Janice Harder

    My daughter loves using her colored pencils. She will be happy to see this.

  15. Julie ferguson

    Beautiul artwork! Love your book rrecommendations.

  16. Elizabeth Stankiewicz

    What a beautiful book! The illustrations are amazing!

  17. Marilyn

    The print is a treasure.

  18. Carmelina

    I love Saint Philomena, and this illustration is lovely!! 💕 Thank you so very much for offering this giveaway! 😊

  19. Anna Philomena

    Saint Philomena is one of my Confirmation saints, and this illustration is lovely! 🥰

  20. Carol Alber

    I’ve considered purchasing this book many times. I didn’t realize the artwork was so beautiful! Definitely need to get this book.

  21. giselle vargas

    Beautiful book!!

  22. Lizette Rodriguez


    We love this book, and I’m so excited you are doing a giveaway with Fr. Peregrine’s original artwork!

  23. Alice R.


    Had a great time read St. Philomena’s story aloud. May St. Philomena bless you for promoting her devotion!

  24. Jocelyn K

    Thank-you for the opportunity! It looks beautiful!


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