AKA: "Carrots" and "Party Hats" Whatever you want to call them, they were a hit!In fact, this was the "best day of school EVER!"

AKA: "Carrots" and "Party Hats" Whatever you want to call them, they were a hit!In fact, this was the "best day of school EVER!"
I used a combination of this and this tutorial and they were quite easy to make. I especially liked using the wrapping paper on the Schultütes for the girls, they turned out so pretty!We are now as ready as we are going to be (It just isn't possible to be totally...
It's been quite awhile since I posted our History plans for this coming year and I am realizing that I am just not going to have the time to post about each subject we will be studying this year. (I really like to be able to look back at those posts.) In addition, I...
Jen at Wildflowers and Marbles is AMAZING!!!If you by any chance are feeling like me, completely overwhelmed with trying to figure out a schedule for this coming school year and just how to fit everything in, don't miss Jen's post from today:Organization of the Day -...
In addition to studying World History this coming year, we will also continue to study American History as well. I've bounced back and forth over whether or not to continue studying both American and World History at the same time... I've decided that, for us, 3 years...
This past year, we all really enjoyed studying Ancient History using RC History's Connecting With History Volume 1: Creation to 63 B.C. We didn't get to near as many hands-on projects this year as I would have liked, but we have all really enjoyed reading and...
I've been dying to tell you all about my trip to Washington to visit Regina and attend the Northwest Catholic Family Education Conference! I had SUCH a wonderful time! (Thanks again Regina for letting us stay at your home!)I left early Thursday morning and traveled...
The Northwest Catholic Family Education Conference, Nurturing Catholic Family Life, will be May 1-2, 2009 in Tukwila, WA (just south of Seattle).Fr. Gerard Saguto, F.S.S.P. (who was ordained with one of my brother-in-laws and happened to be a fellow student at...
As I've mentioned before, we have had a tutor working with our boys, to teach them Phonics and correct their mild Auditory Processing Challenges, since last March. Mrs. K has been coming each week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings (excluding holidays and...
..to the program our tutor has used to correct Captain's Auditory Processing Challenge:Lindamood-Bell Learning ProcessesWe have a number of sick children in our home right now, plus it was a busy day being our first day back to school, but quite a few of you emailed...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.