WAHOO!!!! They are ALL made!!!! All 47 of them!!! I am so excited... and thankful that I decided to blog about it since I am sure that if I hadn't there is NO WAY I would have finished this project this year! I am glad that I did though, my kids are really loving it!...
The Jesus Tree ~ Week Six
Day 34 ~ The Widow's MiteSymbol: Two Small CoinsReadings: Mk 12:41-44, Lk 21:1-4NCPB: (Not included in this picture book... read page 130 from this one.)Coloring: The Widow's MiteJust for Fun: Widow's Offering Alphabet soup (pdf), Crossword, Cloze, Spiral, and Word...

The Jesus Tree ~ Week Five
One of the things I love about both the Jesse Tree and the Jesus Tree is they tend to make my children listen closer to the readings and Gospel at Mass. This past Sunday, my hubby took the kids since I was sick, and when he got home, the boys ran into my room and...

The Jesus Tree ~ Week Four
The kids are loving our Jesus Tree!Today we read the story "Jesus Walks on the Water" from our New Catholic Picture Bible, then it was Chiquita's turn to put the symbol on our "tree."The kids are also really enjoying the various coloring pages and activities that...

The Jesus Tree ~ Week Three
As we continue our Jesus Tree, here are the Symbols, Readings and Activities for Week Three of Lent:Day 13 ~ Jesus Quiets a StormSymbol: Cloud with LightningReadings: Mt 8:23-27, Mk 4:35-40, Lk 8:22-25NCPB: Jesus Calms the Storm Pages 146-147Coloring: Jesus Calms the...

The Jesus Tree ~ Week Two
Well, the roads are extremely icy, and I have already heard of many accidents this morning, so we won't be able to make the drive to Mass. It makes me sad when I can't get the boys there to serve... They love it so much! As do I, and it is First Friday no less... I am...
The Jesus Tree ~ Week One
Here are the first symbols, for Ash Wednesday thru the first Sunday of Lent, which we will be using on our Jesus Tree this lent.Starting on Ash Wednesday, each afternoon we will read a bible story from our family bible. Following that, I plan to re-read the story from...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.