On Holy Saturday, while the boys were at the Rink for their Hockey lessons, the girls and I started making our Easter Treats. We started with making some Chocolate Nests. They were so easy, turned out cute, and were loved by everyone on Easter...

On Holy Saturday, while the boys were at the Rink for their Hockey lessons, the girls and I started making our Easter Treats. We started with making some Chocolate Nests. They were so easy, turned out cute, and were loved by everyone on Easter...
*I know it is all very similar to what we have done in the past, however this blog is mainly a scrapbook (of sorts) for my children, and a place for me to record what we have been up to, so I apologize if I seem repetitive. 🙂 Our oldest three...
~ Hot Cross Buns ~I served Hot Cross Buns for breakfast and posted the recipe at Catholic Cuisine. ~ Picture Books ~ It was a rainy/snowy day and we spent the morning reading a few picture books including Benjamin's Eggs (Please read the comments regarding this...
Week 3"The Heaven's Tell God's Glory"This Week’s Good Shepherd’s Garden Party MenuSun CupcakesWhipped Creamy CloudsTalking Rain Sparkling Ice Thunder and LightningWindy CakesRainbow Kabobs Crushed IceDecorating IdeasLightning Bolt Straws Pinwheels By Jessica at Shower...
Thank you all for your prayers!! My new little niece was born at 2:43 this morning, weighing 3 pounds 6 ounces. This precious picture of her tiny little hand holding my brother's finger brings tears to my eyes, isn't is absolutely precious!?! I...
Just like last year, the boys reenacted the Way of the Cross with some of their Playmobil toys.~ On Good Friday ~ ~ On Holy Saturday ~I woke up to find that Jesus was now in the "tomb" (aka: The Stone Table from their Narnia toys) and guarded by Roman...
I had a phone call from my brother Brian today, and wanted to ask you all for prayers for his wife and sweet baby girl. My little niece is not due to arrive until May 9th, but she has stopped growing and the doctor has decided to induce my sister-in-law tonight. Could...
... from our family to yours!
Photo Source - I'm nearly positive this beautiful picture was taken at the Carmel in NE.Prayer to Jesus Christ CrucifiedMy good and dear Jesus,I kneel before You,asking You most earnestlyto engrave upon my hearta deep and lively faith, hope, and charity,with true...
Isn't it CUTE?!?! I posted all the details at Catholic Cuisine. I sure hope our Lamb Cake is as easy to make!
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.