~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life. ~{pretty}Rose had so much fun playing catch with her sister the other day.{happy}The kids are all very happy with their science journals this year (the original journal for the boys and the junior journal for...
The Big Day
Please tell me I'm not the only mother that cried when her children went in to get their braces put on their teeth... I felt so silly! Still, how are they possibly old enough for braces? I'm not ready for them to grow up yet! Of course, I...
Just for Fun
I had to share this little video clip with you all, of our little Bud crawling. He does crawl on his hands and knees when he's on carpet, but usually prefers to slide along on his tummy on the tile and wood floors. He can get around faster that way too. In this video...
Back-to-School :: 2012-2013
Today was the first day of our new school year! Despite my efforts to keep our extra activities to a minimum this week, it just wasn't meant to be... Today we ended up with one last Dentist Appointment for Captain, tomorrow morning Captain and Twinkle Toes will...
Inspiration for the New School Year
Why HomeschoolI shared the link to this beautiful homily over on my Facebook page a week or so ago, and was going to add it to my last Daybook post as well. I changed my mind and decided it really deserved a post of it's own, that way I'll be able to find it...
Happy 9th Birthday, Twinkle Toes!
This past Thursday our oldest daughter turned nine... NINE!!! The last of the single digits! Where has the time gone?!? It seems like just yesterday (November 25, 2002 to be exact - which is a special day for us, and easy to remember) that I prayed...
A Camping Themed Birthday Cake
We are celebrating another birthday in our home today! Twinkle Toes is 9 years old!! For this birthday she requested a "Camping" and/or "Waterslide" theme. We are going to have both! As soon as we get home from another Dentist appointment this...
{pretty, happy, funny, real}
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life. ~Here are a few more pictures from this past Sunday! These were all taken on my phone. {pretty}I purchased a few new things from the Sunflower Smiles collection for the girls "back-to-school"...
My Daybook: August 29, 2012
Outside my window...it has been chilly, though not as cool as it was over at the coast this past Sunday, with a high of 55. We were very glad we had checked the forecast and wore sweaters. Here in the valley it has been around 80 during the day and...
Let’s Travel Back to the World of the Vikings!
*This post has been sitting in my drafts folder since the fall of 2010... I'm just going to post it now as is. What the Boys Read:Who Were The VikingsVikings: Dress, Eat, Write and Play Like the VikingsLeif the LuckyViking RaidersViking Ships At SunriseOur...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.