New Christmas Books for the Feast of St. Nicholas + Our Annual St. Nicholas Giveaway

by | Nov 13, 2024 | Advent and Christmas, Christmas Picture Books, St. Nicholas | 140 comments

– New Christmas Books for the Feast of St. Nicholas –

Once again, as the holiday season approaches, and we bid farewell to All Saints’ Day and Martinmas, it’s time to shift our focus to the upcoming feast of St. Nicholas. Amidst the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving preparations (we hopefully have family coming to visit, weather permitting!), we are all looking forward to our family’s annual Advent traditions including celebrating St. Nicholas Day which is coming up so quickly!

On the morning of December 6th, our children wake up to discover their letters to the Holy Child and St. Nicholas have disappeared, replaced with treats in their slippers. New Christmas Books, sometimes new slipper or shoes (when needed) oranges, chocolate gold coins, candy canes, and a note from St. Nicholas himself.

Pictures from St. Nicholas Day 2023 or scroll through all past posts tagged St. Nicholas

Over the years, our children, who are now mostly teenagers and young adults, have continued to receive a new Christmas book as an integral part of this beloved tradition of ours. After 25 years our collection is huge and yet we still keep finding wonderful books to add. I look forward to passing down these treasured Christmas books to them when they start their own families one day.

Below you will find the list of new Christmas books I picked out for this year.

Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Additional affiliate links included to TAN BooksIgnatius Press, Sophia Institute Press and Holy Heroes as well.

For Our Young Adults

The Road to Bethlehem: Daily Meditations for Advent and Christmas

I included this book in last year’s New Finds for Advent but it took my until this year to order a copy. During the recent sale at TAN Books I ended up ordering four more copies to give to all of our older children this Advent.

Also available from Amazon here.

Twinkle Toes

The Twelve Cats of Christmas

… or CelticKittens as you’ll find her over on Instagram, I picked up a copy of The Twelve Cats of Christmas. “This joyful Christmas story combines the warmth and spirit of a timeless holiday classic with the funny and familiar quirks of cats—from their ability to squeeze into small spaces to their penchant for bird-watching, and more.”

Scout – 17

Mystery in White (British Library Crime Classics)

Our older kids love mysteries. Last year I got one of the girls Hercule Poirot’s Christmas, this year it’s a British Crime Classic for our 17 year old. I haven’t read it but it sounds like one he might enjoy over his Christmas break from all the dual-credit college courses he has been taking.

“The settings of train, blizzard, and the eerily welcoming home are all engrossing. Dorothy L. Sayers characterized Farjeon as ‘unsurpassed for creepy skill in mysterious adventures.’ This reissue proves it.” ―Booklist STARRED review

Rose – 14

The Catholic Cartoon Collection No. 1

Rose recently asked for a comic book and I think she is going to LOVE The Catholic Cartoon Collection!

Enjoy the fun, hectic, and holy moments of the everyday life of Fr. Otto and his parish in this very first Catholic Cartoon collection! Artwork by Joshua Masterson

I found myself laughing and relating as I skimmed through the collection of comics!

The Light of Christmas Morning

She is also getting The Light of Christmas Morning. I just love the illustrations in this book. Another beautiful addition to our collection.

Bud – 12

The Two-Tall Swiss Guard

“Andreas was a new Swiss Guard, and he was proud to be one of the soldiers who kept the pope safe in Vatican City. He was also very tall. From riding in small cars to crossing busy streets and even getting his uniform properly fitted, life in Rome was a big adjustment for Andreas. He felt lonely, out of place, and just too tall.

On Christmas Eve, Andreas was sad. This was his first Christmas away from his home in Switzerland, and he missed his family. But that all changed after a surprise meeting with Pope John Paul II, whose kindness filled Andreas with joy!

Based on a true story, The Too-Tall Swiss Guard is a timeless tale with awe-inspiring illustrations of the Swiss Guard, St. Peter’s Basilica, and the Eternal City that teaches children about courage, generosity, and trusting in God. As readers journey with Andreas, they see how God created each person and all our unique traits for a purpose.”

Bambinelli Sunday: The Most Wonderful Surprise of All

I bought the original version back in 2013 for one of his brothers and we read it every Advent. I decided to gift our current 12 year old his own copy now that it’s been republished by Ignatius Press!

Grace – 7

Christmas in Heaven

I think this has to be my favorite new picture book this year! I actually re-read it aloud to my husband after reading through it the first time.

The publisher’s description describes it better than I ever could:

In charming rhyming verse, Christmas in Heaven tells the poignant story of a little boy who is sad because his grandmother has passed away. It is Christmastime, and the boy asks his grandfather where his grandmother might be. The grandfather responds by telling the boy his fondest hope—that his grandmother is in Heaven.  

The boy closes his eyes as his grandfather describes that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday and that a great, festive party is taking place in Heaven. It’s a scene filled with angels and saints, music and laughter, joy and love, and most of all, abundant life!

This beautiful little book will give children an unforgettable vision of Heaven while strengthening in them the theological virtue of hope — a hope that will assist them throughout their lives in dealing with fear, grief, pain, and suffering.

And my favorite part? I LOVE how it cleverly includes the saints!

It will also introduce them to the incredible world of the saints. Indeed, the most beloved saints and angels make appearances in Christmas in Heaven, all doing the things they’re best known for:

  • St. Honoré, patron saint of bakers, is making Jesus’ birthday cake
  • St. Cecilia, patron saint of music, is leading the choir
  • St. Lucy, patron saint of the blind, is lighting the Christmas tree 
  • St. Gabriel is blowing his horn
  • St. Nicholas is leaving presents under the tree
  • St. Thérèse is giving out flowers
  • St. Francis is surrounded by little animals
  • St. Patrick is handing out shamrocks

The book includes a helpful two-page glossary with short descriptions of each saint depicted.

You can also order it directly from Sophia Institute Press here.

(Or possibly win a copy below!)

Chicka Chicka Ho Ho Ho

When I saw the new Christmas themed Chicka Chicka book I had to grab a copy for our collection!

Joy – 5

My First Story Orchestra: The Nutcracker

“The My First Story Orchestra series brings classical music to life for little children through illustrated retellings of classic ballets, operas, and musical stories paired with 6 10-second sound clips of real orchestras playing the music.

This ended up in my shopping cart during a recent Costco shopping trip. She is going to love pushing the buttons to hear the music on each page and the illustrations are lovely!

Oliver Elephant

Another sweet book with lovely illustrations!


I also have a copy of My True Love Gave to Me: A Children’s Catechism for the Twelve Days of Christmas on order from TAN Books, but it hasn’t arrived yet. I plan to either include this in this year’s Advent Book Basket or give it to the kids as one of our O Antiphon Treats. Really looking forward to seeing it in person. (Also available at Amazon here.)


You can download my St. Nicholas labels over at Dropbox with either Black or Green text… And here is the link to my original St. Nicholas Chocolate Coins from 2010 and the updated version in 2019!


Once again this year I will be hosting FOUR Advent and Christmas giveaways here on the blog:  this St. Nicholas Giveaway, the 2024 Shower of Roses Christmas Gift Guide + Giveaway, another Advent Book Basket giveaway and finishing up with another O Antiphon giveaway!  Here is the first giveaway in preparation for the feast of St. Nicholas!

Enter for a chance to win one of the following seven prizes:

Rycraft Cookie Stamps

Prize # 1 – Includes: #001 – Santa Claus, #031- Noel Stocking, #317 – Old St Nick, #357 -Santa on the Rooftop, and #413 – St Nicholas from Rycraft Cookie Stamps ($74.95 Value)

Congratulations, Megan I!

Shining Light Dolls

Prize #2 – Includes St. Nicholas Plush Doll, St. Nicholas Mini Puzzle, Our Lady of Guadalupe Mini Puzzle, Nativity Cookie Cutters and Stamps Set and Saint Friends Wooden Puzzle Set sponsored by Shining Light Dolls ($60.95 Value)

(Check out their new Advent and Christmas book and toys!)

Save 10% at Shining Light Dolls with Coupon Code: SHOWEROFROSESBLOG

Congratulations, Melissa Foote!

Sophia Institute Press

Prize # 3 – Includes Christmas in Heaven and The Melody of Love sponsored by Sophia Institute Press ($35.90 Value) – Also on Amazon here and here.

Congratulations, Cherylynn!

Author Patrick O’Hearn

Prize #4 – Incudes Our Lady of Sorrows: Devotion to Mary’s Seven Sorrows for Children and Nursery of Heaven written by author Patrick O’Hearn ($32.90 Value) – Also available on Amazon here and here.

I posted a review of the beautiful Our Lady of Sorrows book earlier this year.

Congratulations, Jessica Compton!

The Catholic Cartoon

Prize #5 – Includes: The Catholic Cartoon Collection: No 1 by Joshua Masterson ($18.99 Value)

Congratulations, Maria R!

St. Augustine Academy Press

Prize # 6 – Includes Saint Nicholas: Patron of Children sponsored by St. Augustine Academy Press ($17.95 Value)

*Our candle and handcarved Ostheimer St. Nicholas isn’t included but you can find him here, or a similar one from an Etsy shop for much less here.

I posted a review of beautiful new book last year. You can find the review here!

Congratulations, Jennifer V!

Ignatius Press

Prize #7 – Includes: Bambinelli Sunday: The Most Wonderful Surprise of All sponsored by Ignatius Press ($14.99 Value)

Congratulations, Erin D!


Please leave a comment on this post and then enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter box below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note: If you have any trouble with Rafflecopter just send me an email or message with your name/email address (and required comment for the blog post if you are unable to add it yourself) and I can add you manually. I’ve been looking for alternatives, but haven’t found a free option yet that offers what I need for these annual giveaways that I love hosting for you all! 

More Suggestions from the Archives

Advent Book Basket and Printable Labels: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023

New Christmas Books for the Feast of St. Nicholas: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 20172018201920202021, 2022 and 2023

Stacks of Books on Christmas Morning or Epiphany: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

You can find the rest of our booklists here or scroll through all our past St. Nicholas Day Celebrations in the archives.

Even more St. Nicholas themed gifts can be found in these past posts filled with Christmas Gift Ideas & Stocking Stuffers from 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023

Read about our family traditions: 

The Advent Season in Our Catholic Home

Scroll through past posts featuring the Feast of St. Nicholas

Click here if you are on the home page to get to comment box: Leave a Comment


  1. Josephine

    I always love having your help finding beautiful books and gifts to celebrate Advent and Christmas!

    • Brigid

      I just completed a book order for my own children for St Nicholas day. We started that tradition many years ago, thanks to you!

    • Mimi Gomez

      Thank you so much for the beautiful book suggestions and giveaway!

    • Luz

      How fun!!!
      Finally got to join one 🤣

  2. Betsy

    Christmas in Heaven looks so beautiful and that cookie stamp is amazing!

  3. Beth Roznowski

    I look forward to your suggestions every season!

  4. Jennifer

    I always appreciate this blog post. Thank you.

  5. Kate

    Thank you for this annual post, and for finding such beautiful books! God bless you.

  6. Tracy Smith

    I always enjoy your giveaways! Thank you for ALL the hard work and time you put into them! I have the original Bambinelli Sunday book. I didn’t realize there is a new edition!

  7. Christy

    You have given my family so many special ideas, thank you!

  8. AR

    Hoping to add Christmas in Heaven to our book collection. Thank you for some great reading suggestions!

  9. Cindy

    I have relied on your wonderful book suggestions for years. Thank you for always curating such beautiful titles!

  10. Lindsey

    You always find such beautiful, Faith-filled books for the holidays! Thank you for the list!

  11. Katherine McHale

    Thank you so much for putting this together! I look forward to your gift guides every year, they are such a help!

  12. Anastasia Wheeler

    For next year, all of the Story Orchestra books are great!

    • Janice L.

      Always so many wonderful Advent and Christmas ideas here for family members. Great suggestions for books to give or get for yourself.

  13. Jennifer M

    Bambinelli Sunday is on my list to order for St Nicholas day! I was going to pair it with some clay so she can have some crafting fun as well!

  14. Elizabeth B

    Thank you for putting together the giveaway!! I’d love to win any of the prizes. Christmas in Heaven looks beautiful.

  15. Diana Rawlings

    Great book choices. Awesome giveaway.☺️

  16. Jessica E

    You are seriously amazing for putting all of this together!!

  17. Megan C.

    Always appreciate the effort you put into these posts! Wonderful ideas. Christmas in Heaven is on my list now!

    • Bénédicte

      Thank you for sharing your finds! As a French-Canadian, I never buy English books but this year, I ordered many books from your listing. I am very grateful!
      Like you, I was laughing when reading “Christmas in Heaven”: when St Antoine come to help St Nicholas searchimg a toy 😂.

      • Megan I

        This so wonderful! I love sharing your book ideas to my friends.

  18. Katy

    Love all your book suggestions!! Advent is one of my favorite times of the year.

  19. Jennifer Barbosa

    I always look forward with delight to the new books you share for Advent and Christmas! Thank you for the love you put into this blog and for keeping me inspired!

  20. Kimberly Timmerman

    Such a valuable list. Thank you for sharing each year!!!

  21. Kris Levy

    I am so excited for this post! I love the new suggestions to add to my grandchildren’s collections! I can’t wait to put my orders in. Have a blessed Advent and Christmas season!🙏✝️

  22. Kate Strachan

    You are such a wealth of information, thank you so much for your Catholic insight, it can be overwhelming to find the right spot to start looking.

  23. Katie D

    Thank you for these wonderful recommendations. The new books look really good.

  24. Laura Ustanovska

    I love looking through your recommendations. The photos are so beautiful, too!

  25. Bethany McKay

    This is an amazing giveaway! I love all the children’s books. Our family also loves Shining Light dolls; they have amazing products!

  26. Natalie K

    Thank you for always having the best ideas! These all sound so amazing!
    Those cookie stamps looks so fun! But the books from Sophia and St Augustine are on my list to buy too😍

  27. Molly Yarolim

    Great ideas, as usual! God bless you and your family!

  28. Liv

    Thank you!

    • Holly

      Always inspired by your book finds! Would also love the cookie stamps.

  29. Katie D

    I just wanted to thank you so much for these recommendations. They all look really good. If I had to choose any favorites I would say the ones by Sophia Press Institute and St Augustine Academy. The cookie prints also look so beautiful. Thank you again for hosting this.

  30. Kate G

    Thank you for the annual St Nicholas Day book post!!

  31. Mary S

    I love your book recommendations. I always add one to by Grandkids basket each year.

  32. Heather Wilson

    I have been a follower for years and have been so blessed by your content. God bless you for sharing your heart all of these years.

  33. Jodi S

    Lovely books! My favorite prizes are #3 and #7.

  34. Kathryn B

    Thank you for this! My favorites are prizes 1, 6, and 7.

  35. Veronica Howell

    Thank you for being so generous with your time & talents. This blog is a treasure to my and a gift to my family! Deo Gratias!!

  36. Susan S.

    I love your book ideas! I look forward to your list every year and always find ideas for my own little ones. Thank you for putting it together!

  37. Leanne

    Beautiful books! Looking forward to adding a book to our Christmas collection!

  38. Stephanie

    Thank you for the wonderful book recommendations. It’s so helpful to see a few pages from inside as well before purchasing! Our kids love our Shining Light Dolls and cookie cutters they got last year for St. Nicholas – such a cute idea.

  39. Kristina

    Thank you for sharing. I always look forward to reading your posts.

    • Nancy

      How I love your Christmas book posts! I see a couple that I really like but they will have to wait for awhile.

      God bless you and your family!

  40. Heidi

    Love the book ideas. Thank you!

  41. Mary

    Thank you so much for all of the time and effort you put into these posts for Advent and Christmas! I look forward to them each year! I love the Shining Light Dolls gifts!

  42. Melissa Foote

    Thank you, Jessica, for all of the wonderful book reviews and suggestions!

  43. Kristy Florey

    I would love to win the Shining Light Dolls pack! So cute!

  44. Sarah Fink

    Happy almost Advent/Christmas! These are great ideas! Thank you for putting these lists together, I look forward to them every year! (We’d love the Shining Light Doll package or book package 3 or 4!)

    God bless!

  45. Teri

    Great choices! I just bought “Christmas in Heaven” as well because I love how they portrayed so many saints doing Christmas things. I feel like my kids needed to see that.

  46. Emily

    Thank you for these wonderful giveaways!

  47. Jennifer F

    Thank you for all of your generous offers and suggestions!! They have helped me tremendously through the years. My dyslexic son would love the Catholic Cartoon. The Shining Light collection would make great gifts for all my church friends having babies. Also, the cookie stamps would be great as I go back to teaching in a Catholic school and find they don’t celebrate the Saints like we do.

  48. Angie W

    I would love the Shining Light set or the St Nicholas book. All look beautiful!

  49. Maria Norris

    I always look for your recommendations when I’m trying to find new books for St Nicholas Day!

  50. LauraB

    Thanks for the giveaway and book suggestions.

  51. Sarah Potter

    I look forward to this post every year! Thank you!

  52. Megan Sisk

    Always look forward to your list!

  53. Amelia D

    This list each year is so helpful for trustworthy book recommendations and the perfectly-timed reminder to do my shopping. Thank you for saving mothers precious time – that’s the best gift for me!

  54. Natalia Walth

    Ave Maria! Another Advent upon us, glory to God! A decade of following your suggestions! Thank you for all the time you put in.

  55. Maria R

    Thank you for all the great suggestions and giveaway! I got the Nativity rosary from your 2022 list, and it’s beautiful! Also, decided to get the rest of the Sister Seraphina mysteries by Haley Stewart. Excited to see a cartoon option this year!

  56. Nora

    All of these look so cool! Time to gear up for Advent!

  57. K

    Thank you!

  58. Marilyn

    Jessica, your book suggestions and contests are so appreciated. Thank You. I would prefer #3,4,6& or 7 God Bless. Have a Blessed Advent and Happy Saint Nicholas.

  59. Melissa C

    Thank you for all the beautiful resources and insight you provide! They help us curate a wonderful library for our children!

  60. Kylie

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful books! Blessings on the upcoming Advent journey!

  61. Deborah Connell

    Such great offerings this year! I’m ordering Road to Bethlehem!

  62. Abby Baxter

    Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful books.

  63. Cherylynn

    Thank you for the chance to win! I always look forward to reading your gift suggestions!!

  64. Jessica Compton

    What great books! I would especially like #3,4, or 5.

  65. Theresa

    I love your blog! I’m going to be making the St. Nicholas coins you mentioned. I’ve bought many of the Christmas books you’ve recommended.

  66. Jennifer Cope

    I look forward to your inspiration and ideas each year. And your giveaways are an extra bonus! Thank you, Jessica!

  67. Lindsay K

    Each gift looks lovely, but I think I’d especially like the St Augustine Press book on St Nicholas. Thanks for your generosity!

  68. XX_Enginerd

    I enjoy see the new books titles.

  69. Deborah S.

    This has been one of my favorite traditions this time of year… reading about your St. Nicholas and Christmas new ideas for gift giving! Thank you!

  70. Erin

    These are all great books. Thanks for doing

  71. Elizabeth

    Thank you, dear Jessica! You are been such an inspiration to our family throughout the years!

  72. Molly

    Wow, so many good gift ideas! I can’t wait for Advent to start. Thanks for getting me in the spirit!!

  73. giselle vargas

    Thank you! I love your Giveaways!

  74. Audie

    Thank you so much for these lists – I have found a couple of family favorites reading through these! All of these books look great, but I think my top would be 1, 6, and 7.

  75. Nicole Ernest

    Thank you for all of the wonderful ideas! I love them!

  76. Christina Tapp

    This is such a wonderful giveaway!

    My favorites are #1 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

  77. Colleen T

    I love going through so the books and finding various gifts for family and friends! Thank you so much for putting things together for us all!!

  78. Catherine

    these all look so amazing!

  79. Kelly

    This is all a delight for the eyes!

  80. Mary

    I love these annual posts with all of the lovely book and gift recommendations!! Thank you so much for providing this and the wonderful giveaways! Those Shining Light gifts are so adorable, and the Christmas in Heaven book looks amazing.

  81. Erin

    Absolutely love all of these prizes!

  82. Katie

    So pumped for Advent!!!

  83. Arianny

    The Catholic Cartoon always has amazing, wholesome stories! I’m excited to explore your other recommendations too!

  84. Desiree. N

    So many great options again this year! I can’t wait to add more to our collection!

  85. Kendra

    Once again you have outdone yourself with this huge giveaway. I love reading through all your picks each year! God bless you!

  86. Chris Schremmer

    The Advent devotional looks like a great suggestion for my older kids. Great book choices!

  87. Cecilia Z

    Thank you for these ideas!

  88. Heather Wilson

    I love your site! I have been using your resources for years. Thank you for blessing me and so many families!

  89. Sleepy Prairie Mama

    So excited about the cookie stamps and new St. Nick books!

  90. Sarah

    Thank you for the recommendations, as always!!! These are all on ,my Christmas Wishlist. 🙂 God bless your lovely family.

  91. Katherine T

    Thank you for such a beautiful giveaway!
    My favorites are #3 #5 #6 #7 #1

  92. Kalen Anderson

    I love all your suggestions for books. I am always looking for new ones, especially for our tradition of a book a day until Christmas. I also love the cookie stamps! Thank you for putting this together.

  93. Catherine

    Love this! Thank you!

  94. JoAnn

    So fun!!

  95. Shaina Purves

    Always hoping to win those cookie stamps, maybe this year!

  96. Liesa Gonzalez

    All of the prizes look absolutely amazing. I never win these, but here’s another go at it this year. LOL

  97. Megan C.

    This year I’m finally doing an Advent book basket for my kids! I’m using your beautiful labels!

  98. Angie W

    As usual, your Advent book selection is top notch!

  99. Teresa H.

    These are some great suggestions; thank you!

  100. Christy

    This is definitely my “go-to” site for the big celebrations of the liturgical year and of my family and friends. I love all the book lists and am grateful for all your inspiring posts and ideas.

  101. Sarah Mason

    Thanks for the labels and the chance to win!

  102. Jessica Fluty

    Thank you for your posts!

  103. Shaina Purves

    Thank you for making the little book labels able to be printed as stickers! And those “Saints Around the World” books look amazing!

  104. Katie

    Would love prize 2 and 4. Thank you so much for the links.

  105. Jenni Pratka

    book list amazing!! Thank you!

  106. Jolene Sis

    Thank you for putting together these book suggestions. Our family has adopted the Advent book tradition based after I read it from your site. Thanks again!

  107. Sarah

    Thank you for all the great book and gift suggestions. I reread all your old lists every year.

  108. Angela Schaefer

    Thank you for all the suggestions! As a convert, your blog has helped me so much. After having our first child, I started referencing your blog. Some of your St. Nicholas traditions are now our family’s traditions. Now, we can’t imagine not celebrating this special feastday with books, coins, etc. St. Nicholas, pray for us. #1 or #6

  109. Elizabeth S.

    These books are beautiful! What a gift to read these with our children during the year, especially during Advent.

  110. Lilyan

    Always enjoy your book lists! I’m enjoying the final years of picture books as a youngest (twin boys) just turned 9!

  111. Mary

    Thank you for the many book recommendations for Advent!

  112. Jane F

    Love seeing your booklists through the years!

  113. Anne N

    So many great ideas on your blog!


    I look forward to your booklist recommendations every Advent and Christmas!!! Even though we have an extensive shelf of Christmas picture books, you always have a couple that I don’t have and then have to go get. The giveaway books look amazing!

  115. Carol Alber

    As always, great lists and giveaways! Thanks for all the hard work you put into these posts.

    Carol A.

  116. Carol Alber

    I love the Christmas in Heaven book. i already bought 2 copies!

    • Ashley Figueroa

      Another amazing list, thank you!

  117. Barbara-Anne

    Thank you for the list. Some of these will be sent to the grandparents as gift ideas!

  118. Kylie

    This is such a beautiful Advent tradition! Thank you for sharing. Christmas in Heaven looks darling!

  119. Sophia G

    So excited to have such a great list of Advent books to start collecting for our little ones!

  120. Jenny Wilson

    This is our favorite tradition of the year! I love adding to our collection with your lists as a guide. Thank you!

  121. Kris

    Hi Jessica,
    I am having a lot of trouble with my computer printing the labels for the books. Do you have any suggestions?
    Thanks so much!

    • Jessica

      Hi Kris, Do you meant the St. Nicholas labels? Were you able to download them before printing? I just updated the links to see if that would help. If not let me know and I’ll email you the files to try printing.

  122. Lindsey

    What a great list of books! Thank you!

  123. Kristen

    Your lists are such a great resource to start adding to our home library for my little ones. I try to buy used when able but it still gets spendy, a giveaway would be great! Thanks for the opportunity!

  124. Anita

    Thanks for all the wonderful lists of books!

  125. Jeramie Dean

    What a wonderful selection of books! Thank you for sharing and the ideas!

  126. Katy Wienke

    So many wonderful give aways this year. Thank you Jessica. I would especially love the shining light books but any of these would be very nice.

  127. Erika Delperdang

    Thank you for sharing

  128. JoAnn Hayden

    This post is awesome sis!
    Thank you for all the ideas!

  129. Amanda Vines

    Thanks for this great giveaway!

  130. Jennifer Roodhouse

    Thank you for the wonderful recommendations! Looking forward to enjoying some of these books with my family


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Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

Enter our current giveaways:

St. Nicholas Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

Gift Guide Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

Advent Book Basket (Winners Announced!)

O Antiphons (coming soon)

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