Outside my window... the sun is starting to set behind the mountain after another busy day.I am listening to... the hum of the air conditioner. It's quite around here right now since the baby is sleeping, Twinkle Toes is reading, and our other 4...

Outside my window... the sun is starting to set behind the mountain after another busy day.I am listening to... the hum of the air conditioner. It's quite around here right now since the baby is sleeping, Twinkle Toes is reading, and our other 4...
Outside my window... we have been seeing a momma turkey with all her little babies! They are so cute when they are little. . . Then they grow up! I am listening to... the contractors hammering away while my children amazingly sleep through it all. (It...
I thought it was funny when Patty asked how I was able to get my "kitchen to look like "magazine model" clean". . . It's amazing what the right lighting combined with finding the perfect setting on the camera can do to hide the dirt that is most definitely...
I just had to laugh at myself for getting all sentimental seeing our trusty OLD harvest gold oven being tossed out of our kitchen today! You have served us well for the past 10 years that we've lived in this home.I will miss you. . . At least for the...
~ Monday, June 14th ~ (The boys were both hired by the contractor, one on Monday and the other on Thursday, to clean up!) ~ Tuesday, June 15th ~ ~ Thursday, June 17th ~ Photo Credit : Rascal ~ Friday, June 18th ~
Outside my window... their is a big concrete truck and quite a few contractors working on our foundation!I am thankful... that I was well enough to attend the Blue Knights Festival and our Little Flowers Mother/Daughter Tea Party! I got *really* sick on...
Outside my window... a bird has built a nest and has laid three eggs, despite the fact that my husband removed the poor birds nest 5 times already (before any eggs were laid) trying to avoid what we went through last year. Being right outside our front...
The contractor we hired earlier this week, after months of trying to come up with a plan and bid that fits our budget, is HERE and just started working!I just had to tell someone, or I might be tempted to join our children as they run from room to...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.