Here are some video highlights from our 3rd Quarterly Extraordinary Form Latin Mass on August 4th. Our 4th Mass is currently scheduled for October 6th! Video Credit: Marc Salvatore

Smokey Summer Daybook :: August 7, 2013
Outside my window... Smoke... Way too much smoke. We have been dealing with a thick choking layer of smoke in our area, due to severe wildfire smoke, which has been causing unhealthy to extremely hazardous air quality. We had a very short break from...

Catholic Daily Planners and the Church Calendar
One of the frequent questions I am asked is how I keep track of the upcoming feast days, and whether or not I have a favorite planner. Just the other day Annie left the following comment on my Keeping Track and Making Progress {Daily Checklists and Planners for the...

Altar Boy Resources
As promised last year, my husband did write a post on Altar Boy Resources! You can find it over on his personal blog, Unam Ecclesiam.You can also see all the pictures from our Second Latin Mass on Facebook.

A Few More Pictures From Our Latin Mass
Preparing to sing the Chant before MassOur sleepy little RoseHanding out Missals before MassHaving a very difficult time cutting the cake... Note to self: Next time bring my own cake knife! lolPictures taken by Marc Salvatore, posted with permission. Thank you...

Our First Latin Mass :: Quinquagesima Sunday
COLLECTWE BESEECH THEE, O Lord, mercifully hear our prayers, that being loosed from the bonds of our sins, we may be defended by Thee against all adversity. Through our Lord.GRADUALTHOU ART THE GOD that alone dost wonders: Thou hast made Thy power known among...

Our New Archbishop!
Today's News From the Vatican Information Service:Vatican City, 29 January 2013 (VIS) – Today, the Holy Father appointed Bishop Alexander King Sample as archbishop of the archdiocese of Portland (area 76,937, population 3,296,705, Catholics 412,725, priests 300,...

{pretty, happy, funny, real} :: On Christmas Eve
I have so many pictures to post from this week, I hardly know where to start ! We have really been enjoying Christmas, spending time with extended family, a few fun outings, and lots of of time just relaxing (and very little time online). It's been so...

A Votive Mass for Our Lady
This past Friday we were so very blessed with a Latin Votive Mass for Our Lady! It was the first time Father Carmelo (a retired priest in our area) has agreed to offer Mass in Latin for us. It wasn't the extraordinary form, but still so very beautiful and...

A Sunday Drive
Subtitled: A Latin Mass, Whale Watching, and fun at the Beach! Our family loves the Latin Mass. The only problem is, it is rather hard to come by where we live. In fact, we usually have to have a baby in order to get a Latin Mass around here!...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.