Charlotte is so good about praying for all of us and passing along prayer requests. Now it is time for us to storm heaven for Charlotte and baby Cupcake! I just got off the phone with Charlotte and she is in the hospital right now, due to continued stomach cramping...
Links for October :: Month Dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary
October 1st (New) and 3rd (Trad) ~ St. Thérèse of Lisieux: A Novena to St. Thérèse beginning on her Feast Day Nine Day Novena in honor of St. Therese Novena to St. Therese A Morning Prayer Written by Saint Therese (2015) Compilation posts of Ideas for celebrating this...
ParTEA Time :: A Tea Themed Birthday!
Our little Twinkle Toes turned 8 years old yesterday and so it was ParTEA time! Since our children generally just have one big "friends" birthday party (the rest are just with family), this was the one for Twinkle Toes. Originally we were going to do it...
Marshmallow Teacup Cookies
I am making myself take a break from housework, packing, and planning to sit down for a few minutes, so I thought I would share another recipe from the birthday party yesterday. I found this idea through a google search, and I think it might have originated (at...
A Pretty Pink Tea Pot Cake Tutorial
The Tea Pot Cake was such a hit at my daughter's Tea Themed Birthday Party yesterday! Since a few of you asked if I could share how I made the cake I will try and put together a little tutorial. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any...
Happy 8th, Birthday Girl!
I only have a moment, as I still have quite a bit to prepare as we get ready to welcome a whole bunch of little girls for an afternoon Tea Party, but I wanted to pop in here real quick to post a picture of ourbeautiful birthday girl! Also, here is a sneak peek at...
Back-to-School Schultütes
The past couple years I have surprised my kids with Schultütes on their first day of school. Our first day of school is not until September 6th and I usually wait until the night before to make the Schultütes, but since this week is going to be extremely busy,...
A Patron of Students Back-to-School Treat!
You may have already seen this CUTE idea already, but when I ran across it for the first time last week, I knew I had to adapt them for our children, as an added treat to the Schultütes they receive on their first day of school. The idea was originally from the...
Stocking Up
"Yes, we do go through a lot of glue, and no, I am not planning on glueing all my kids to their chairs!"We are almost ready to start the new school year and this year's curriculum! I feel like we should be started already (so many of you have!),...
A Visit to Crater Lake
Can you believe that I have lived here for nearly 20 years, and this was my first visit to this gorgeous lake?!? Even my husband's sister, who lives all the way across the country, has visited (when she came out for our wedding) and even got engaged to her husband at...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.