Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.I thought I would take this opportunity to share a few more pictures from this year's Santa Lucia Celebration!{pretty}The girls all looked so pretty, dressed for our little Santa Lucia...

Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life.I thought I would take this opportunity to share a few more pictures from this year's Santa Lucia Celebration!{pretty}The girls all looked so pretty, dressed for our little Santa Lucia...
Last week, as a craft for our 4th Little Flowers Meeting this year, the girls all made "Starlight Cookies for Christmas Eve" Jar Mixes! This idea/recipe was originally submitted to Catholic Cuisine by Lisa from Are We There Yet?.We made a few slight...
Last Friday we had our 4th Little Flowers Girls' Club meeting for Wreath IV. Even though I had to reschedule our meeting from the week before, due to our colds, everyone was able to make it and I didn't go into labor prior to the meeting! Yay!!I...
... on the 100th Anniversary of the "discovery" of the South Pole!On Dec. 14, a century ago today, Roald Amundsen and the four members of his team became the first humans to reach the geographic South Pole, which sits in a lifeless desert nearly 1,000 miles from the...
This year I just didn't have the energy to bake our annual Saint Lucia's Braided Bread on the eve of St. Lucy's feast day, due to lots of contractions, after a very busy day attending a field trip (the weather was beautiful!), baking cupcakes, and then Our Lady of...
Outside my window... it is cold and icy! I need to make sure that everyone dresses warm before we head out today.I am thinking... about Rose's 2nd birthday. We do have a few gifts for her, but haven't made any other plans or decided on a cake. Birthdays during...
As I mentioned in one of my Preparing for Advent posts this year, I had ordered a new puzzle for the children to work on this Advent. This was their 4th 1,000 piece puzzle in the past year... They started with the Our Lady of Guadalupe Puzzle last Advent,...
December is just flying by, which means my due date is coming up soon! I've been having a lot of contractions lately, and it seems like I fall asleep pretty much every time I sit or lay down "for just a second," but that is pretty normal for me at this stage....
I hope you all had a wonderful St. Nicholas Day this year! Here are a few pictures from our celebration. If you'd like to share your own pictures, head on over to Catholic Cuisine for a St. Nicholas Day link-up!~ Gifts from St. Nicholas ~New Slippers...
Last week, just before we all came down with a cold, we had the opportunity to attend a field trip to a local grist mill. This particular mill is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and is the oldest water-powered grist mill (and the only one...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.