We missed our annual Lenten Dinners the last two years, due to a road trip over Holy Week/Easter the year before last and then trying to survive Hyperemesis Gravidarum last year, and honestly I came very close to skipping it all together again this year. This has been...
National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day 2018
Isn't this the cutest little onesie?! I can't wait to try it on our baby girl next month. On April 20, 2018, witness to the dignity of ALL human beings by wearing a pro-life T-shirt. Share photos using #NPLTD18.We are ready! Our children will all receive the...
The Easter Book & Religion In Life Curriculum Teacher’s Manuals {Giveaway}
The Easter Book by Rev. Francis X. WeiserAvailable from St. Augustine Academy Press and AmazonI love my out-of-print copy of The Easter Book by Father Weiser and am so happy to see that it has just been reprinted by St. Augustine Academy Press! "If you enjoyed...
Nine Months
Our little ball of fire is nine months old already! We all love her "Most Ardently" even though we have never had such a challenging baby and she still doesn't let me sleep for much more than an hour at a time, for the 4 hours I manage to average each...
Prayers for the Murphy Family
🎶 Can the human heart refrain from partaking in her pain, In that Mother’s pain untold? 🎶 On Friday night I posted over on Instagram: {We are praying for a special intention tonight 💔 sometimes the crosses given to those dear to us seem so heavy. I...
Another New Addition to Our March Book Basket {Runaway Bunny Edition}
I can't believe that our little baby is going to be 9 months old the day after tomorrow... Her first year is flying by! She's been crawling for a few months now, and I've been told that she was standing on her own the day before yesterday without holding on to...
Baskets of Books for Easter {and a Giveaway!}
Easter Sunday is coming up fast - it's less than four weeks away and falls on April 1st this year... No joke! 😉 - and I've been trying to round up gifts to fill our children's Easter Baskets.We always love giving our children books on Easter and Christmas. In...
Meet the Masters :: Paul Cézanne
We have been studying Paul Cézanne, Father of Modern Art, and finished up our unit study with an art project (Meet the Masters unit study from Track F for ages 10-Adult) this afternoon. .: Master Artist Introduction :. Paul Cezanne (say-ZAHN) French...
{this moment}
“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” - Mother Teresa
Eight Months
I can’t believe she is 8 months old already... She won’t keep her bonnet and shoes on, but she does love her kitty cat and watching her older brothers and sisters play basketball from just inside my bedroom door!Floral Forest Organic Tiered Tee Dress (size 3-6...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.