I can't even remember the last time I went on a road trip by myself... It's probably been at least 17 years, pre-marriage and children! I'm not someone who really needs "breaks" from my children, I prefer taking at least some of them with me when I have out-of-town...
End-of-Summer Daybook
Outside my window...It's been a little crazy around here, but it looks so peaceful inside the LEGO cathedral that's on the coffee table! #wishiwasaminifig {Master Builder: Ranger}I am thinking...I need to put together a post with pictures for "Phase 3" of the LEGO...
The Story of Civilization: Vol. I – The Ancient World {Review & Giveaway}
I am so excited about the new history series from TAN Homeschool! We will be focusing on Western Civilization II and American History this upcoming school year, but I'm already planning to incorporate The Story of Civilization: Vol. 1 - The Ancient World the following...
Bargain Priced Books :: 2017 Saints Calendar
If you haven't ordered it yet, today is a great day to place an order the 2017 Saints Calendar & 16-Month Planner, and any other books you might be wanting to order from TAN Books, using the 50% off coupon code they shared over on Instagram! (Valid today...
6th Annual Curriculum Sale Blog Hop
.: Rules for Posting :. Create a blog post with your gently used curriculum (and any other books/items) that you'd like to sell or pass on to another family, with pictures if possible.Please add a link to your post, referring back to this post, so that others can...
Our 2016 Used Book Sale
It's time for the 6th Annual Curriculum Sale Blog Hop! You can find all the details, browse books for sale on other blogs, or add a link to your own post here.If you are interested in purchasing any of the items in this post, please leave a comment listing the books...
Listing more books for my mom…
My mom has been asking all summer if I was going to host another book sale this year. A couple of my sisters, the twins, have been helping her clean out her attic this summer. The other night JoAnn dropped off a few books for me to sort through and list for...
Coming Soon :: 6th Annual Curriculum Sale
Do you have any curriculum collecting dust and taking up precious space on your bookshelves?One of the ways I save money on schoolbooks each year is by reselling any curriculum that either we won't be using again in the near future or which didn't work for our family....
Sponsor Love:: Quarterly Update & Current Specials {scroll to the bottom for a giveaway!}
August has arrived which means I'm working on planning our upcoming school year, ordering curriculum, making checklists, and it's time for another quarterly sponsor update here at Shower of Roses!I have a couple wonderful new sponsors to introduce to you all today,...
Looking Back :: Our 2015-2016 Curriculum
The Catholic Daily Planner and 2016 Saints Calendar(You can order the 2017 Saints Calendar & 16-Month Planner now, ready to use beginning in September!)I had every intention of sharing our 2015-2016 Curriculum Plans last fall. However, once our school year got...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.