Outside my window... we must be having the annual "Fall Needle Drop." There are pine needles everywhere! Sean just showed the boys how to operate his Stihl Gas Blower and it only takes them a few minutes to clear the deck and driveway. Yay! Now...

Outside my window... we must be having the annual "Fall Needle Drop." There are pine needles everywhere! Sean just showed the boys how to operate his Stihl Gas Blower and it only takes them a few minutes to clear the deck and driveway. Yay! Now...
Today was the first day of our new school year! Despite my efforts to keep our extra activities to a minimum this week, it just wasn't meant to be... Today we ended up with one last Dentist Appointment for Captain, tomorrow morning Captain and Twinkle Toes will...
Why HomeschoolI shared the link to this beautiful homily over on my Facebook page a week or so ago, and was going to add it to my last Daybook post as well. I changed my mind and decided it really deserved a post of it's own, that way I'll be able to find it...
After a super fun weekend of camping (Thursday-Monday, though I headed home with a few of the little ones late Sunday night... It's HARD to camp pregnant!), I wasn't sure I'd be ready to start school today... The summer flew by way too quickly for us, but with...
The past couple years I have surprised my kids with Schultütes on their first day of school. Our first day of school is not until September 6th and I usually wait until the night before to make the Schultütes, but since this week is going to be extremely busy,...
You may have already seen this CUTE idea already, but when I ran across it for the first time last week, I knew I had to adapt them for our children, as an added treat to the Schultütes they receive on their first day of school. The idea was originally from the...
Captain :: 4th Grade ~ Rascal :: 3rd GradeTwinkle Toes :: 1st Grade ~ Chiquita :: KindergartenJust like last year, the kids all woke up to find Schultütes filled with snacks and school supplies! Even Snuggles, who wouldn't let me take an individual...
AKA: "Carrots" and "Party Hats" Whatever you want to call them, they were a hit!In fact, this was the "best day of school EVER!"
I used a combination of this and this tutorial and they were quite easy to make. I especially liked using the wrapping paper on the Schultütes for the girls, they turned out so pretty!We are now as ready as we are going to be (It just isn't possible to be totally...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.