A dear friend of mine and her husband just found their two year old face down in a bucket of water, not breathing. Her lips and fingers blue. Please pray that they can revive her. The little one is being air lifted to the hospital.Please Pray. Thank you!+ + +...

Holy Learning {Sponsored Giveaway}
"Holy Learning is a mom-owned, small Catholic company created to help Catholic families and teachers supplement their educational programs. Our products are meant to help parents and educators teach the Catholic faith using hands-on materials and projects. Our primary...

Celebrating the 4th of July
The 4th of July was a week ago and I still haven't posted any pictures! Despite my lack of plans this year we ended up having a really nice day with family and friends.Usually we go to a friends home for a BBQ and to watch the fireworks, but this year they...

Pictures from the Parade

Mama’s Notebooks {Sponsored Giveaway}
I've been working on finalizing my plans for our upcoming school year, ordering books, and getting organized with my favorite planners, checklists and notebooks!Back in February I shared some of the things I love about my Mama's Notebook. Since then Heather (the...

Frequently Asked Questions About the Latin Mass
Today is the 7th anniversary of the release of the text of Summorum Pontificum! Deo Gratias! Earlier this year I mentioned that my husband had created a Frequently Asked Questions pamphlet to hand out at our local Latin Mass, which we are so grateful to now have...

Play-Doh Party
I posted this picture over at Instagram earlier today: Trying to sell her (anti-play-dough) mom on the awesomeness of this "36 Piece Dough Go Around" she chose as her raffle prize at Young Hunters Day this year... I think we will be heading straight outside as...

Feasts & Seasons :: Our July Book Basket
July Book Basket At the beginning of each month I fill a basket with books featuring the the various saints whose feast days will be celebrated during the month and place it in the living room. Throughout the month I will find the children curled up on the couch...

Bargain Priced Books :: The 4th of July Story
I'm still working on filling up our July Book Basket and creating the book list with links to share with you all… It's almost ready, I just need to take pictures sometime tomorrow to add to the post. In the meantime I ran across another bargain priced book over at...

Feasts & Seasons :: Our June Book Basket
At the beginning of each month I fill a basket with books featuring the the various saints whose feast days will be celebrated during the month and place it in the living room. Throughout the month I will find the children curled up on the couch reading books they...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.