🌿Gloria, laus et honor tibi sit, Rex Christe Redemptor, Cui puerile decus prompsit Hosanna pium.🌿Yesterday we learned about one of the traditional liturgical rites of Palm Sunday... Once the priest (altar boy in this picture book we have) arrived at the church doors...
The Jesus Tree :: A Lenten Craft and Bible Study
First Communion Bible • Lenten Jesus Tree VersesThis is the 10th Lenten season since I created a Jesus Tree to use with our children during Lent! I have really loved using it over the years as a Lenten Bible Study picking up when our annual Advent Bible Study leaves...
The Shadow of His Wings: A Graphic Biography {Book Review & Giveaway}
One of the books our soon-to-be ten year old will be recieiving in his Easter basket this year is the powerful story of Fr. Gereon Goldmann’s WWII experiences which is now available as a graphic biography. (For older readers I highly recommend The Shadow of His...
The Catholic Child and Saint Joseph
Let us allow ourselves to be “infected” by St. Joseph’s silence! We need it greatly, in a world that is often too noisy, that does not favor meditation or listening to the voice of God. - Pope Benedict XVIThis year the Solemnity of St. Joseph was transferred to...
Celebrating the Solemnity of the Annunciation {Swedish Waffles and AIP Waffles for Lady Day}
The Annunciation from Rosary Flip BookSt. Patrick's Day, St. Joseph's Day, my husband's birthday, and now the Annunciation... So much to celebrate lately and it's been a nice little break right in the middle of this year's lenten season. Tonight we are headed to the...
Celebrating the Feast of Saint Patrick
From Instagram on St. Patrick's Day 2017: I haven't spent much time in the kitchen this St. Patrick's Day, but the kids did wake up to some new picture books and yummy treats! ☘👊🏻 #whathappenedtostpatricksfinger #fistpumpinsaint...
Baskets of Books for Easter {and a Giveaway!}
Easter is just one month from today and I've been trying to round up gifts to fill our children's Easter Baskets! (Easter Sunday falls on April 16th this year which also happens to be my parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary as well as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's 90th...
Another Basket of Books for Lent
I have had a few requests for a peek inside that basket of lenten books for the older children that I mentioned the other day. I had hoped to put a post together a list of all our books but I just haven't had the time so here is what's in this year's basket along...
Bargain Priced Books :: Fiona’s Lace and More
Right now there is a great deal on one of the books pictured in my last post! Fiona's Lace by Patricia PolaccoI purchased this beautiful hardcover book at a 25% discount a couple years ago, but right now it's only $6.99 (61% off!) and qualifies for free...
New Additions to Our March Book Basket
I have been trying to purchase a book cart for our home since last summer! I found it for a great price, but then my order was cancelled due to it being out of stock... So were my next four attempts to order it from various online sellers. I decided to try one...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.