Dear St. Anthony, pray for me to the Little Jesus, whom thou didst hold so lovingly in thine arms. Obtain for me the grace to love Him with all my heart. Amen. St. Anthony's Sermon to the Fishes and Cupcakes It’s been four years since my last...

Dear St. Anthony, pray for me to the Little Jesus, whom thou didst hold so lovingly in thine arms. Obtain for me the grace to love Him with all my heart. Amen. St. Anthony's Sermon to the Fishes and Cupcakes It’s been four years since my last...
It's time for another Instagram Recap in Seven Quick Takes. It was a very full week complete with special feast days, anniversaries, and Thanksgiving… My husband and five oldest are off watching the "Civil War" Football Game with friends and I'm home with the two...
A beautiful picture my husband took and emailed me recently while working "In the Woods" Outside my window...Fire season is in full force in our area. Sean spent Saturday on an engine, and then left early yesterday morning for a wildfire assignment in...
Posted yesterday afternoon, June 13th, the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, on Instagram/Facebook: Home from the hospital and so thankful for hugs and cuddles from my little ones… {pregnancy/miscarriage update posted here on the blog} Thank you all so...
My heart sank and I whispered a prayer the minute the ultrasound tech brought up the image on the screen as she tried to find the baby inside my womb this morning. It didn't take long for my husband and I to see that there had been no development since my last...
... arrived in the mail this afternoon, on the first of two very special days! I love the little ways in which the Holy Spirit is always working in our lives. God is good... all the time! Note: The author of this book, who kindly and generously gifted me...
It is with great sadness that I am posting tonight to ask you to please pray for my dear friend Charlotte, and her beautiful family, as they grieve the loss of another precious little soul.Miscarriage PrayerMy Lord, the baby is dead!Why, my Lord—dare I ask why? It...
The Christmas Novena to St. Therese begins today, 12 days before Christmas. One is to pray the novena 12 times per day for 12 days to honor the 12 years of Christ's childhood.Last year, just weeks after having miscarried, I prayed this novena "asking God for a...
After Mass and Benediction this morning, we finally took our children to the pumpkin patch so that they could pick out their pumpkins to carve.While we were there, I couldn't help but think about the last time we brought our children to this particular pumpkin patch,...
The Lord is waiting to show you His favor. He yearns to have pity on you, and happy are all who wait on Him. As you all know, I have a special devotion to our dear St. Therese. I pray for her intercession often, but only a few times have I asked for a particular favor...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.