"F stands for Forests,with trees tall and straight.The majestic eastern white pinesare the official trees of our state." ~ L is for Lobster: A Maine Alphabet AlphabetFor the state of Maine, the 23rd state in our State-by-State Study, the girls...

"F stands for Forests,with trees tall and straight.The majestic eastern white pinesare the official trees of our state." ~ L is for Lobster: A Maine Alphabet AlphabetFor the state of Maine, the 23rd state in our State-by-State Study, the girls...
"A is for Augusta,the capital of our state.In the rooms of the statehouse,our representatives legislate." ~ L is for Lobster: A Maine AlphabetThe next up in our State-by-State Study is Maine! The boys mastered their states and capitals long...
Outside my window... I can see the beautiful new flowers my thoughtful husband picked up on his way home from work and planted in my hanging baskets from last year. Much to everyone's delight the hummingbirds have already been spotted enjoying the flowers...
I've been spending a lot of time the past couple months making plans for our next school year, deciding which programs we will continue and where we will be making changes. Here is the link to our original Curriculum Plans :: 2012-2013. — 1...
"D stands for Dixie,all Alabamians have great pride in.Our state is "The Heart of Dixie,"a heritage passed from kin to kin." ~ Y is for Yellowhammer: An Alabama AlphabetWe've been wanting to make our recipe for Alabama for a few weeks now, but we...
"Our official state bird's name, history does glorify.The uniforms of the Civil War soldiers, Yellowhammer is our Y." ~ Y is for Yellowhammer: An Alabama Alphabet .: Alabama by Captain :..: Alabama by Rascal :.*The links to the...
"Now C is for Chicagoit's called the windy city,and also for the cardinalsinging clear and pretty." ~ L is for Lincoln: An Illinois AlphabetYesterday afternoon the girls finished up their study of Illinois, the 21st state, by making Deep-Dish...
"L is for Lincoln, Illinois is his land.He was president long agoand known to be fair and grand." ~ L is for Lincoln: An Illinois AlphabetThe boys are still working towards completing their State-by-State Scrapbook that they began back in...
"R is for the greatest riverflowing through our land.The mighty Mississippi Riveris awesome, strong, and grand." ~ M is for Magnolia: A Mississippi Alphabet It's been months since the girls studied Mississippi (sometime last fall) but I am just...
"Mississippi begins with the letter M as does "Magnolia State."Our people, waters, and fertile landmake Mississippi great." ~ M is for Magnolia: A Mississippi Alphabet .: Mississippi by Captain :..: Mississippi by Rascal :.*The links to...
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.