Christmas Came Early

Look who I found at the airport late Wednesday (10/30) night!!! They were supposed to land within 15 min of each other, but Clare’s flight came in a little early at 10:15, and James was delayed and landed at 11:25. 

Three weeks ago, on October 10th, I managed to talk James into squeezing in a quick visit from Arizona on his ‘weekend,’ and then Clare from California! The little girls had been asking about James everyday and missing him so much. I got to fly down and see him recently but none of the rest of the family had seen him since those four days last February (while I was in bed recovering from my first surgery) after he graduated from the academy to quickly pack and move down to the southern border. 

Keeping this secret was so HARD—I ended up having to tell Catherine, but the rest of the family had no clue! Well maybe a couple clues but I think they mostly thought I was just losing my mind! 😉 

The toughest part was getting John home. He was originally coming for dinner and to stay the night to see my parents, but after a long day at work he still had some studying for one of his online UMary MBA classes, so texted saying he was going to come out in the morning instead… I finally just texted his girlfriend (who is off at college finishing her senior year) and asked her to help me convince him to come spend the night after he finished studying. She pulled it off and he got here about five minutes before we pulled back in the driveway at midnight! (Thank you, Lanie!) 

It was so exciting bringing them home, surprising John and waking Sean up to see who was out in the living room! ❤️

A few video clips can be found over in my Instagram post.

I could hardly wait for our five youngest to wake up and find everyone here for the first time since August 2023. (442 days to be exact.) Way too long! It might be awhile before we can make it happen again since our oldest son’s requests for time off at Thanksgiving and Christmas were both denied. I couldn’t sleep and told Sean in the middle of the night that it felt like Christmas!

I shared a few more short video clips from early Thursday (10/31) over on Instagram.

We squeezed so much into our few days all together!!! My parents had arrived Wednesday afternoon just in time to carve pumpkins with us, so after all the early morning surprises we got to spend time with them too, my Uncle Tom and Aunt Toni came for an afternoon visit, then we hosted our annual All Hallows’ Eve party Thursday evening!

Friday started with Mass for the feast of All Saints, brunch with my parents before they started the long drive back to Southern Oregon and early voting for our college girl and a few others (the rest of us voted on Election Day).

I had booked a photographer for Friday afternoon. That had really confused some of our kids since two of their siblings weren’t expected to be here! When I told John he asked, “Will James and Clare be around?”

I just answered “Wouldn’t that be nice?!” and he added “so no”… 😏

This was our very first professional family picture and we asked the photographer to also take individuals of everyone. We really wanted to do something like my mom did 20 years ago while you can still see the age span between the oldest and youngest, and before the older ones start getting married.

A quick photo on the front porch just before he arrived. ❤️

It was drizzling outside so hopefully the family picture turns out! Then we had a family movie night after dinner.

Saturday I got up early and started making Apple Puff Pancakes for everyone! This has been a fall family favorite forever and I had to squeeze it in while they were all home.

Then the kids played card games, FaceTimed with my youngest brother and their newest cousin and just enjoyed the remaining time we all had together before we had to take James back to the airport on Saturday afternoon. Clare flew back to Thomas Aquinas College very early Sunday morning. We were definitely grateful for the extra hour of sleep! There were lots of tears… It makes me so happy that they all love each other so much and having this time was such a gift. ❤️

O Good God, we thank Thee, that Thou hast given us children, made them heirs of heaven by holy baptism, and entrusted to us their training. Penetrate us with a sense of responsibility; assist us in the care of their health, but especially in the preservation of their innocence and purity of heart. Grant that we may teach them early to know and serve Thee, and to love Thee, with their whole heart. Grant that we ourselves may carefully avoid all that we must forbid them, and may assiduously practice all that we should inculcate to them. We commend them, O God, to Thy paternal care and to the guardianship of Thy holy angels. Bless, O heavenly Father, our little efforts! May our children’s advancement in years be to Thy honor, and may they persevere to the end! Amen.

~ from Mother Love


Every fall we have a little family tradition of carving Saint-O-Lanterns to light up our front porch for our annual All Hallows’ Eve party with symbols of saints and our beautiful Catholic faith! I love seeing everyone’s creativity year after year.

This year we honored St. Andrew, the Patron of Scotland and Golfers, with a golf-themed pumpkin. A dove for Rose’s recent Confirmation, and a Celtic cross paid tribute to the inspiring Irish St. Brigid. One of the boys also carved Lazarus emerging from the tomb and our youngest decided on a sweet little lamb for St. Germaine.

Confirmation Dove

St. Scholastica, pray for us!

Celtic Cross

St. Brigid of Ireland, pray for us!

St. Andrew, Patron of Golfers

St. Andrew, Patron of Golfers and Scotland, pray for us!

St. Germaine’s Lamb

St. Germaine, pray for us!

Lazarus Emerges from the Tomb

Sts. Mary, Martha and Lazarus, pray for us!

Here is the post with pictures of the kids carving this year’s Saint-O-Lanterns.

Scroll through all of our past Saint-O-Lanterns here.

Carving Our 2024 Saint-O-Lanterns

Here are the pictures from our annual Saint-O-Lantern carving last Wednesday! My parents had just arrived from Southern Oregon for a quick visit, making it extra special!

I have a little catching up to do on the blog, before I get started posting all things Advent and all the fun annual Christmas giveaways! If I don’t share these now, I know they’ll never make it onto the blog—and my younger kids will be asking once again why I didn’t document it like I did for the older ones. 😉

Enjoy the pictures and stay tuned for the giveaways I have coming up soon!

You can see this year’s Saint-O-Lanterns all lit up here,

or scroll through all our past Saint-O-Lanterns in the archives.

Chicken Pumpkin Carving Experiment

This year, we decided to try a little chicken pumpkin carving experiment after seeing it online, giving one of our small pumpkins to the chickens to see how they’d do! Our 17 year old cut a little starter face and let them have at it, and soon enough, they were pecking away, creating a hilarious masterpiece.

They got a healthy snack, and we got a funny “hen-crafted” addition to our annual Saint-O-Lanterns. You can find a few short video clips over on Instagram. Has anyone else tried this?

Next year, we’ll have to try it with a larger pumpkin so the mouth and eyes don’t end up connecting again!

All Saints Guessing Jars {12 More for 2023}

The favorite game at every party we host for All Hallows’ Eve/All Saints’ Day is always the All Saints Guessing Jars. The past few years, with going back to hosting a smaller party at home, I have tried to have enough jars (some with new saints and some with repeats from past years) so that every “saint” in attendance can win one. I always think there will be no way to link more treats to saints, but yet I keep managing to come up with new ones each year! We had 12 new additions to the ever growing collection last year and I’m working on another 12 right now for this year.

New All Saints Guessing Jars for 2023

St. Anastasia …the Forgotten Christmas Saint

Christmas Candy – I used Christmas themed Hershey Kisses

St. Benedict & Scholastica – The Holy Twins

Twix Candy Bars

St. Barbara – Patron of Mathematicians

“Counting” M&M’s

St. Eligius – Patron of Veterinarians

Animal Crackers

St. John Bosco and the Big Gray Dog “Grigio”

Dog Bones (Scooby Doo Graham Crackers)

St. Fabian

Known for the miraculous nature of his election, in which a dove is said to have descended on his head to mark him as the Holy Spirit’s unexpected choice to become the next pope.

Dove Chocolates

St. Honoré – Patron of Bakers

Cookies – We used TJ’s Crispy Cruncy Chocolate Chip Cookies

St. John the Baptist

Any honey candy works! We used Dark Chocolate Covered Honey Grahams from TJ’s.

St. Hubert – Patron of Dogs/Hunting Hounds

Dog Bones (Scooby Doo Graham Crackers)

Our Lady Star of the Sea

Sea Life Shapes – We used TJ’s Scandinavian Swimmers

St. Hildegard von Bingen – Patron of Writers

Alphabet Cookies

St. Veridiana

…who shared her cell and meager food rations with two snakes.

Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers

You can download these printable labels here… 

… and the corresponding printable guess pages here.

We also included a bunch of jars from past years as well! Using Dots Pretzels instead of regular pretzel sticks for St. Bernadette was another new addition/variation.

If I can finish this year’s jars today, I will try and share them too, otherwise it might end up being next year! 😉

Here is the link to all of my FREE All Saints Party Printables!

All Saints Scavenger Hunt {Fourth Edition}

Back in 2012, my husband and I created an All Saints Scavenger Hunt {Printable Party Game!} for our annual All Saints Party. The following year we created a second version featuring sixteen additional saints with new clues.

In 2015, we came up with another new version of the game, with sixteen additional saints including some of the newly canonized saints at the time.  (We actually matched the saints to our All Saints Guessing Jars, which you can find here, so that the children could learn a little more about each of the saints featured.)

In 2022, we decided to skip the huge parish party and go back to hosting a more intimate and cozy party at home and bring back this game. My husband and I created a new edition and I thought it would be fun to share it here on the blog for anyone looking for party inspiration! We’re already working on another one for this year’s party, so stay tuned!


To play the game, pictures of the 17 featured saints are handed out to some of the adults, along with the details if they aren’t familiar with the saint. You can see some pictures of the first version of the game being played here.

The children each receive the list of clues. Sometimes we pair the younger children with the older children to form teams of two.   The children need to match each clue to the correct saint. Once the child thinks he knows who it is, he will ask the person representing (holding the picture of) the saint. If he is correct the “saint” signs the line next to the correct clue on his child’s clue sheet. 

Now that nearly all the children at our annual parties are older I actually just tape them up on the wall in various places. If they are struggling I will sometimes give a clue to the whole group. Afterwards we see who (or which team) got the most correct.


Download All Saints Scavenger Hunt #4 Clue Sheet

(the printable file includes the answer sheet)

Download Saint Cards

*Looks like I missed including St. Francis. You can download that card here.

Note: The printable saint card pictures are different than what we used for the party since we were scrambling at the last minute. We actually printed out product pages from these beautiful holy cards for the party since we ran out of time. I would love to order actual prints or Holy Cards to use in the picture!

This year I ordered Polaroids from January Jane for our fifth All Saints Scavenger Hunt! So excited. More coming soon! In the meantime you can save 10% over at January Jane with coupon code: LXZ-NTU27UL or by clicking this link.

Find more FREE PRINTABLES for your All Hallows’ Eve and All Saints’ Day Parties here!

The Northern Lights: An Art Project with the Kids

Our 7-year-old is still talking about seeing the Northern Lights last week and keeps saying she wants to see them again. So, inspired by that beautiful night, we decided to do a little art project together and talked some of her siblings into joining us as well! We grabbed some black construction paper and our pastels, and spent the afternoon recreating all the gorgeous colors we saw up in the night sky—blues, greens, purples, and pinks.


Create a Mountain Stencil

Use legal-sized printer paper for this since it’s longer than regular paper and fits the construction paper better. If you only have regular-sized paper, just cut and tape an extra piece to make it fit.n I ended up taping down the mountain stencil for my little girls to keep it from moving while they colored. The older kids just held it in place.

Color the Mountain

Shade over the mountain stencil and extend the chalk up onto the black construction paper. Use different colors – blue, green, pink, purple, etc – to recreate all the Northern Lights!

She was so excited, blending and smudging and getting the pastels all over her little fingers!

Blend the Colors

While holding the stencil in place, use a cotton ball to blend the pastels from the mountain onto the paper. Overlap the colors a bit for a smooth, glowing effect. Switch cotton balls for different colors to avoid mixing them too much.

Reveal the Glow

Once you’ve finished blending, gently lift the stencil to reveal the glowing mountain and your beautiful Aurora Borealis.

Add Stars or Snowflakes and the Moon

To finish, dab small dots of white acrylic paint onto the sky using a small paintbrush to create stars or snowflakes, and the moon too if you’d like!

Tip: It can get messy! I should have put something over our table but it cleaned up easily with a towel.

It was such a fun way to relive the memory and bring a little more nature-inspired creativity into our homeschool. If your kids are mesmerized by the sky like mine, this is a simple, not-too-messy, project to try!

“Rose” age 14

“Bud” age 12

“Grace” age 7

“Joy” age 5
(Mom helped with the trees)

Saint Philomena Original Art Giveaway

Happy Feast of Saint Philomena! I’m excited to celebrate by hosting a special giveaway in her honor. Last year, I reviewed the book My Name is Philomena: A Saint’s Story which was written and beautifully illustrated by Fr. Peregrine Fletcher. To make this feast day even more special, Fr. Peregrine has generously sent me one of his original illustrations to pass along to one of you!

If you haven’t ordered a copy of My Name is Philomena or Fr. Peregrine Fletcher’s other book, The Snail and the King (our review here), be sure to check them out. Each book tells an inspiring story and features captivating illustrations that make them perfect addition to your family’s collection.

My Name is Philomena is available directly from TAN Books or over at Amazon. You can find The Snail and the King over at Amazon here.

You can find additional books for August feast days here.

“And yet a bride I soon became,

What happy providence!

His lance which set me to the tomb

Released my soul to meet my groom,

My long awaited Prince.”


My Name is Philomena Original Art

by Fr. Peregrine Fletcher, O. Praem.

Image was rendered in colored pencil

Please enter the giveaway by leaving a comment on this post and claiming your entry through the Rafflecopter box below. If you have any issues please contact me and I can assist with getting you entered in the drawing. Domestic/US Shipping is included. International residents are welcome to enter but would be responsible for any additional shipping costs. Giveaway ends August 14, 2024 at 11:59PM PST and winner will be announced on August 15th, the feast of the Assumption!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

St. Philomena, pray for us!

Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party

When our daughter requested a Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party for her 7th birthday, I knew we were in for a sweet adventure. With bright colors, adorable decorations, fun party games, and lots of great friends, it turned out to be an incredible celebration!

She had been talking about it for months and had literally invited “everyone and their grandparents!” as one of her sisters told her oldest brother when he asked who would be coming. It was so much fun to bring her party theme to life and create all sorts of special memories for her and her friends!

I started my planning by ordering a couple handmade Strawberry Shortcake and Lemon Meringue dresses from Blu Moon Design over at Etsy! My girls are pretty tiny (just now outgrowing sizes 5 and 3) so I ordered them size 7 and 5 so they’d have extra length and fit for awhile. I also ordered this Strawberry Beret and these Green & White Knee High Striped Socks and paired them with their AG Peek-A-Boo Wellies since I forgot to look for brown Mary Janes. Super cute!

On the day of her birthday, the weather was gorgeous and we were also incredibly blessed to have three Sisters from the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart join us for the birthday party! Our little girls had just spent the previous two days with them at Morning Star Day Camp and their presence added such a special touch to the day, making it even more meaningful and memorable.

My Uncle Tom and Aunt Toni also came to the party! We have really loved having them nearby since we moved up here six years ago. My mom is the 8th of 13 children and he is the eldest. He reminds me so much of my grandmother and it’s so fun to hear him share stories with my children. The birthday girl was especially excited to receive her very own jar of his special homemade jam in her birthday gift from them!

She so wished that her cousin and oldest brother/godfather could have made it, but they both called and she got to visit with them over Facetime.

Homemade Decorations

Other than buying a couple red plastic tablecloths (this makes clean up so much easier) I made my own banner and food labels! I shared all of the printables I created here.

We also filled the book cart with lots of berry and spring/summer themed books including a few new ones!

Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party Menu

Good morning. Welcome to Strawberryland. You can’t see it? Just a dot on the map. Ah, finest strawberries this side of the rainbow. The personal strawberry patch of Miss Strawberry Shortcake. She lives in a shortcake. That sounds like fun. And she tends to her fun in the rain and the sun. That’s Custard, her calico cat on the floor. But we’ll let them both sleep for just a dream more.

Main Dish and Sides



  • Orange Blossom’s Party Punch
  • Strawberry Lemonade
  • Lime Chiffon’s Sparkling Limeaid
  • Lem and Ada’s Sparkling Lemonade
  • Peach Blush’s Sangria (adults only)

Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Party Games!

I ran across some great game ideas for our Strawberry Shortcake theme! I also considered Strawberry Bingo or some of our lawn games from our Anne of Green Gables Birthday Party. Here is what we ended up doing:

Strawberry Stomp

For this game, children try to keep all the “strawberries” ( red balloons ) up in the air while the music is playing. When the music stops all the kids grab a “strawberry” balloon. Draw a name from a hat (or whatever you have on hand), and that child must bust their balloon and complete the challenge inside to win a prize. Keep the challenges short and fun. Some examples include:

  • Rub your tummy while patting your head
  • Twirl around five times fast
  • Sing your favorite song in a funny voice 
  • Crabwalk across the floor
  • Give out three berry nice hugs
  • Describe your favorite yummy dessert
  • Options are endless, come up with additional ideas!

After completing the challenge, the child rejoins the game but won’t be called again to pop a balloon. Make sure you have enough balloons so every child can grab one when the music stops. (Have twice as many balloons as players.) To make the balloons look like strawberries, use a marker to add strawberry seeds.

Supplies: Red Ballons, Music

Pie Making Race

A fun twist on a classic relay race! In this game, children are divided into teams, each given spoons to pick up “berries” (colored ping pong balls- red for strawberries, blue for blueberries and pink for raspberries) and run them to their team’s pie tin. It’s a delightful mix of teamwork, speed, and a little bit of friendly competition!

Each team is tasked with making a different kind of pie will only collect berries for that pie. For example, the team assigned to strawberry pie will only collect red ping pong balls.

To play: Scatter the different colored ping pong balls on one side of the yard. On the other side set up a table with a different pie tin for each team. Assign each team a kind of pie and give each player a spoon. At the start, everyone runs to the field of ‘fallen berries,” places one on their spoon, and rushes back to their team’s pie tin. The team that finishes their pie first wins.

Supplies: Red, Pink and Blue Ping Pong Balls, three Pie Dishes, White Plastic Spoons.

After the little kids completed their round all the big “kids” wanted a turn! Pink team won!

Catch the Purple Pie Man

“Aw, what’s the matter, kiddies? Did your can spring a leak!? (pulls off his disguise and giggles)

The Peculiar Purple Pie Man, who lives in the Pie Tin Palace up on Porcupine Peak, is the notorious villain in Strawberryland. He is a mischievous, greedy baker who often seeks to undermine Strawberry Shortcake and her friends. In this game, he has stolen all the strawberry treats (candy). The kids must chase him to get them back.

To Play: Someone takes on the role as the Purple Pie Man. The children chase and try to tag him. When tagged, the Purple Pie Man must stop. The only way to be released is to throw out a handful of candy and make your escape while the children are all collecting it. Keep playing until all the candy is gone.

Purple Pie Man Costume: I ordered this Chef Hat, Bib Apron and Purple Mustache.

Since the Purple Pieman frequently referred to himself in the third person and always performed a quick jig after doing so. Mr. Sun describes him as a “misanthropic fathead with a skinny physique.”

You can watch the video over at Instagram!

All that running and basically being a “Human Pinata!” definitely wiped out the “Peculiar Purple Pie Man” but the kids are all still talking about that game. It was such a hit!

Honey Pie Pony

The kiddos also got to visit Honey Pie Pony, aka Chesterton, our new next door neighbor!

Strawberry Shortcake’s Birthday Cake

A bite of strawberry shortcake can turn any bad day around!

You can find our little birthday reel over at Instagram with a couple more video clips.

Birthday Gifts

She was given so many sweet and thoughtful gifts from all her friends! I had ordered her this cute Strawberry Shortcake backpack when it was on sale and some of her siblings got her some other 80s themed toys (Tenderheart Care Bear, My Little Pony) and a little Strawberry Shortcake doll. She also loved, loved, loved this set of pens from one of her friends and has been taking it everywhere!

Happy 7th birthday to our berry sweet and spunky girl!

Christmas Came Early

Christmas Came Early

Look who I found at the airport late Wednesday (10/30) night!!! They were supposed to land within 15 min of each other, but Clare’s flight came in a little early at 10:15, and James was delayed and landed at 11:25.  Three weeks ago, on October 10th, I managed to talk...



Every fall we have a little family tradition of carving Saint-O-Lanterns to light up our front porch for our annual All Hallows' Eve party with symbols of saints and our beautiful Catholic faith! I love seeing everyone's creativity year after year. This year we...

Carving Our 2024 Saint-O-Lanterns

Carving Our 2024 Saint-O-Lanterns

Here are the pictures from our annual Saint-O-Lantern carving last Wednesday! My parents had just arrived from Southern Oregon for a quick visit, making it extra special! I have a little catching up to do on the blog, before I get started posting all things Advent and...

All Saints Guessing Jars {12 More for 2023}

All Saints Guessing Jars {12 More for 2023}

The favorite game at every party we host for All Hallows' Eve/All Saints' Day is always the All Saints Guessing Jars. The past few years, with going back to hosting a smaller party at home, I have tried to have enough jars (some with new saints and some with repeats...

The Northern Lights: An Art Project with the Kids

The Northern Lights: An Art Project with the Kids

Our 7-year-old is still talking about seeing the Northern Lights last week and keeps saying she wants to see them again. So, inspired by that beautiful night, we decided to do a little art project together and talked some of her siblings into joining us as well! We...

Northern Lights

Northern Lights

We could only see the Northern Lights at home with the help of cameras, so after dinner, we took a drive out to Farragut State Park. It was so worth it! We followed it up with some picture books and a fun craft this...

Prayer of Mothers

Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.

Our Family

Sean & Jessica, Captain-24, Ranger-22, Twinkle Toes-21, Chiquita-19, Snuggles-17, Rose-14, Bud-12, Grace-7 and Joy-5 (blog nicknames)

A Little About Me

Hi! I'm Jessica, a Roman Catholic wife and home educating mother to our nine children. I was home educated myself, along with my eleven younger siblings. I have a special devotion to St. Therese, through whom I have been given much help and many blessings--the beautiful "Shower of Roses" that she has sent my way! Here I will record a few of the blessings I treasure. Please remember that what you see here is just a little glimpse at our lives, so please say a prayer for us, as we continue to strive for holiness.

Enter our current giveaways:

St. Nicholas Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

Gift Guide Giveaway (Winners Announced!)

Advent Book Basket (Winners Announced!)

O Antiphons (coming soon)

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