Last night, I took a little trip down memory lane and created a heartwarming Instagram reel featuring our children’s saint costumes from the past couple of decades. It brought tears to my eyes, reliving the love, joy, and countless memories. Time flies by so quickly!
Are you still looking for some costume inspiration for this year? Check out our Saintly Costumes (2008) post which lists many simple saint costume ideas. You can also scroll through all our past posts under the label Costumes or click over to Links for October or Links for November. I have also linked each year below. Many of those posts contain additional details about some of the costumes.
Last year one of our daughters Crafted a Crown Fit for a Queen which was so much more extravagant than my Quick & Easy Homemade Paper Crowns. We still need to see what we can pull together for this year!
Looking back…

1991 & 1997 • 2004 & 2005

I realized that we haven’t ever had a year with all of our children home for All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day.. The closest we got was in 2017 with 8 of our 9 in the photo. Our youngest wasn’t born until 2019 and our older boys were both across the country at Christendom College that fall. They truly grow up fast!
Thank you all for joining me on this little trip down memory lane!
Please note…
Last October Shower of Roses was unexpectedly removed (canceled!) from Blogger/Google the week before All Saints Day… I lost complete access to everything! To ensure this doesn’t happen again, the entire blog has been migrated to WordPress which I should have done many years ago but couldn’t justify the cost. With a staggering archive spanning 17 years and over 45,000 photos, this migration was no small feat, and I’m immensely thankful for the invaluable help and support from Sprout Studio.
Last night I ran across some more internal links (a few past costume posts) that are redirecting to incorrect posts. I’m actively working to correct internal links, improve formatting on old posts, and ensure that preview photos load as intended. I apologize if you happen to run across any poor formatting from the transfer or bad links!