My Blessings Handprint Tree
One of the themes we studied Along the Alphabet Path for the letter "B" was Blessings. And what a perfect fall time theme, with Thanksgiving right around the corner! At first I was going to have him get started making this year's Thankful Tree, but since I...

B is for Blanket :: A No Sew Fleece Tie Blanket Tutorial
B is for "Beaver Believer" BlanketInitially I wasn't going to have Snuggles (help) make a blanket like the girls did during B week, but when we were checking out our brand new (!!!) Jo-Ann Craft Store and noticed the Beaver themed fabric we couldn't resist! The...

Angel Art for A Week
One of the themes we studied Along the Alphabet Path during "A Week" was Angels! (Update: You can find all our Aa week Activities here!) With the feasts of Michaelmas, the Archangels, and the Holy Guardian Angels all coming up, I...

Sacred Heart Tie Dyed T-Shirts
I have been wanting to try tie dying Sacred Heart T-shirts for years, ever since the kids made Sacred Heart "Flags" one summer, and seeing the original ideas in this post over at the Little Flowers blog. With the feast of the Sacred Heart coming up this...

Creating our Paschal Candle :: Easter 2012
We've been creating our own Easter Paschal Candles for years now. Our family lights it on Easter Sunday, and then again each night, at dinnertime and for our Good Shepherd Garden Parties, throughout the 50 days of Easter. The first few years I used liquid wax...

Will you pray for me? :: A First Holy Communion Spiritual Bouquet Keepsake Book
Earlier this week, when I mentioned that the girls had been given permission to make their First Holy Communions this Friday, an anonymous visitor shared an idea in the comment box that I loved and wanted to try and make for our girls:"We have made both a small book...

St. Therésè Sacrifice Beads
"St. Therésè, the Little Flower, as a child, used a small string of beads in her pocket to help her count the gifts she did to offer to God. In this way she was able to advance in perfection daily. You too, can grow in holiness by following the example of the...

IHS Candle Craft
Incorporating the IHS symbol, which is part of the symbol for St. Gertrude, we will be decorating candles for our 3rd Meeting for Wreath IV of our Little Flowers Girls' Club. This meeting focuses on the Gift of Knowledge, St. Gertrude, the gemstone Topaz, as...

Crafting a Holy Water Font
For our 2nd Meeting the year, as we work our way through Wreath IV of the Little Flowers Girls' Club, we will be making Holy Water Fonts since the Member's Guide lists the symbol for this meeting as being "Water." I choose to make ours Heart Shape in honor of...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.