A new Missal Cover from Catholic Embroidery for one of the boys on the feast of his patron saint...... a new madeleine pan and cookbook for moi... ...and delicious madeleines "St. James Shell Cakes" for the whole family! (To be served with ice cream...
My Daybook :: June 4, 2013
Outside my window... We keep spotting a couple birds sitting on the edge of one of the hanging flower baskets. I just realized, after seeing the mess on the deck, that they are actually taking the lining to build a nest somewhere! I am thinking... ...
Catholic Daily Planners and the Church Calendar
One of the frequent questions I am asked is how I keep track of the upcoming feast days, and whether or not I have a favorite planner. Just the other day Annie left the following comment on my Keeping Track and Making Progress {Daily Checklists and Planners for the...
An Alphabet of Saints :: B is for Blocks
Snuggles' Alphabet of Saints BlocksI mentioned back during "B Week" that Snuggles and I began Brushing Paint on Building Blocks! Since the girls and I made an Alphabet of Painted Saints to go along with their journey Along the Alphabet Path I wanted to...
All Saints Bingo :: A 30 Card Printable Bingo Set
In preparation for this year's All Hallows' Eve Party, I have been working on a few new games. This year, instead of organizing and/or attending a homeschool party, we will be hosting one at our home and inviting some of our close friends and family. It is going to be...
On the Feast of St. James. . .
Today is the feast of St. James the Greater. It also happens to be a Nameday in our home! I had all sorts of ideas for celebrating... However, after spending most of the day in town for car repairs, errands, and a major grocery shopping trip, I had to...
Guess Who? Patron Saints Edition!
My children all love playing the Guess Who? Board Game. So, last night, after running across a new blog named Arma Dei: Equipping Catholic Families and seeing Monica's post on converting her family's Guess Who game, I knew I had to do the same for our...
On the Feast of St. Brigid of Ireland
Today is the feast of St. Brigid of Ireland, Abbess of Kildare. This afternoon we will be reading a few books about St. Brigid. A couple of our favorites are Brigid's Cloak (with the study guide in Catholic Mosaic) and Saint Brigid and the...
On the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul
If St. Paul's day be fair and clear,It does betide a happy year;But if by chance it snow or rain,Then will be dear [expensive] all kinds of grain;If clouds or mist do dark the skie,Great store of birds and beasts shall die;And if the winds do fly aloft,Then war shall...
In Honor of St. Brigid of Ireland…
...whose feastday is celebrated today! St. Brigid's Bread... YUM!!Organic Irish Breakfast TeaBrigid's Cloak: An Ancient Irish StorySt. Brigid Coloring Page (Thank you Charlotte!) Colored by Captain (9) and Rascal (7)Colored by Twinkle Toes (6) and Chiquita (4)May...
Prayer of Mothers
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to appreciate the dignity which you have conferred on me. Let me realize that not even the Angels have been blessed with such a privilege—to share in your creative miracle and bring new Saints to heaven. Make me a good mother to all my children after the example of Mary, the Mother of your Son. Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary I ask your continued blessings on my family. Let us all be dedicated to your service on earth and attain the eternal happiness of your kingdom in heaven. Amen.