Below you will find the links for July feast day celebrations, the month dedicated to the Most Precious Blood.
July 1st ~ Bl. Junipero Serra (New):
- Summer with the Saints :: Blessed Junipero Serra (2010)
- Commemorating the Canonization of Junípero Serra
Favorite Picture Books: Song of the Swallows and The Mission Bell

July 3rd ~ Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle (New):
July 4th ~ Independence Day!
- Fun Food for the Fourth! (2009)
- Making Cupcakes… (2009)
- Celebrating the 4th of July (2010)
- Watermelon Cupcakes :: A Fun Summertime Treat! (2011)
- Red, White and Boom! (2011)
- 6 Patriotic Treats for the 4th of July (2012)
- Celebrating the 4th of July {pictures from the party} (2012)
- Star Spangled Berry Cake (2013)
- Celebrating the 4th of July (2013)
- Bargain Priced Books :: The 4th of July Story (2014)
- Molly McIntire :: An American Girl Birthday Party (2016)
- 4th of July Handprint Flag (2016)
- Patriotic Berry Pie (2021)
- Scroll through all past July 4th posts
Favorite Picture Book: The Fourth of July Story

July 6th ~ St. Maria Goretti
- Saintly Summer Fun :: St. Maria Goretti (2011)
- St. Maria Goretti is symbolized by white lilies, so the Handprint Lily Craft from our Little Flowers Meeting for Truthfulness would be perfect, as would Lily Chocolates or Sandwiches!
Favorite Picture Books: St. Maria Goretti Coloring Book

July 11th ~ Feast of St. Benedict (New):

July 12th ~ Feast of Blessed Louis and Blessed Zelie Martin (New):
- Parents of St. Therese
- St. Therese and Her Family Paper Dolls
- Celebrating the Saints :: Sts. Louis & Zélie Martin
- On the Feast of Saints Louis and Zélie Martin
- Commemorating the Canonization of the Parents of Saint Thérèse, Saints Louis and Zélie Martin

July 14th ~ Feast of St. Kateri Tekakwitha (New):
- In Honor of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha (2009 – Summer with the Saints)
- Highlights from K Week (2009 – Alphabet Path)
- On the Feast of Blessed Kateri (2010 – Prayer and Illustration)
- Edible Indian Corn (2011)
Favorite Picture Books: Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Kateri Tekakwitha: Mohawk Maiden, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Coloring Book, and Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Paper Dolls.
On My Wish List: Blessed Kateri and the Cross in the Forest (Saints for Children) (or maybe I will wait for the Paperback Version that will be realeased later this year) I’d love to hear your thoughts on this book, if any of you own it already!

July 16th ~ Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (New, Trad.):
- The Brown Scapular – Garment of Grace
- Heavenly Fun! (Summer with the Saints)
- Celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel (2008)
- Celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (2009)
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel ~ July 16th (Prayers)
- On the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (2010)
- A Simple Caramel Applesauce Crown Cake (2012)
- Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (2016)
- The Virgin Mary Around the World Birthday Cake (2016)
- On the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (2019)
- View All Posts for Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Favorite Picture Books: The Brown Scapular, Garment of Grace and Garment of Grace Children’s Edition.

July 19th ~ St. Vincent de Paul (Trad.):
- Highlights from “U/V” Week (2010 – Alphabet Path)
July 22nd ~ St. Mary Magdalen (New, Trad.):
- Little Flowers Girls’ Club ~ Eutrapelia (2010 – Little Flowers)
July 23rd ~ St. Bridget of Sweden (New):
- Little Flowers Girls’ Club – Truthfulness (2009 – Little Flowers)
July 25th ~ Feast of St. James the Greater (New, Trad.):
- I tried! (Celebrating the feast of St. James – 2008)
- On the Feast of St. James… (Candle – 2011)
- A Few Pictures from the Feast of St. James and St. Christopher (2012)
- On the Feast of St. James (Missal Cover & Shell Cakes 2013)
- Feast of St. James the Greater (2016 –
- On the Feast of St. James (2017)

July 25th ~ Feast of St. Christopher (Trad.):
Favorite Picture Books: Legend of Saint Christopher and Christopher: The Holy Giant
July 26th ~ Feast of St. Joachim (New) and St. Anne (New, Trad.):
- Highlights from “A” Week (2009 – Alphabet Path)
- On the Feast of St. Anne (2010 – Watermelon Pie)
- Little Flowers Girls’ Club ~ Responsibility (2011 – Little Flowers)
- Watermelon Cupcakes :: A Fun Summertime Treat! (2011)
- Celebrating St. Anne’s Day (2012)
- Saints Joachim & Anne Faith Folder (2014)
- Saint Anne’s Colors (2016)
- Flowering Rod of Jesse Cake (2017)

July 29th ~ St. Martha, sister of Sts. Lazarus & Mary Magdalen (New, Trad.):
- Little Flowers Girls’ Club ~ Eutrapelia (2010 – Little Flowers)
- Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene (2016)
Favorite Books: More Once Upon a time Saints

July 31st ~ Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola (New, Trad.):
- St. Ignatius of Loyola (2008 – Summer with the Saints)
- Highlights from “I” Week (2009 – Alphabet Path)
Favorite Books: Saint Ignatius and the Company of Jesus (Vision Books), The Golden Thread, St. Ignatius of Loyola: In God’s Service and Saint Ignatius of Loyola: For the Greater Glory of God (Encounter the Saints)
Summer with the Saints: Christmas in July!
Catholic Cuisine : Recipes for July ~ Month of the Most Precious Blood
It is always fun to see your monthly posts about Liturgical celebrations and feast days. So many wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing all of the fantastic ideas. You have a way of giving God so much glory. I just love it and praise Him for the gift of you.